DSM Xieshou Telcordia Tuijin Standard Optical Fiber Microbending Jishu

September 22 news, along with the growing bandwidth demands and fiber-optic network in the world’s widely used, the world’s leading high-performance ultraviolet (UV) curable materials manufacturer Timor Simandisuo Inc. (DSM Desotech), recently announced that the telecom market in the world’s leading telecommunications network software and services provider Telcordia agreement, the two sides will work to promote the performance of optical fiber and cable products Microbend technical standards. Microbend production is uneven due to random force, to produce numerous small fiber axis deformation. As these small optical axis motions increase, leading to signal attenuation, or even a permanent termination of signal transmission.

Royal Simandisuo General Manager of China Mr. Lin Weibin description: “improve microbending performance, will help to improve the durability and stability of the network, so as to network operators true investment protection. We look forward to see that excellent performance may decrease slightly curved to run fiber-optic network to energy demand. In China, DSM is committed to cooperation with partners and customers to actively explore for the next generation high-speed fiber optic network the latest technology and testing methods. “microbending caused by signal attenuation, can be generated by the following reasons: If the non-uniform external pressure, optical coating materials, the pressure, fiber and fiber optic contacts, or fiber is extruded to any rough surface. Especially in the low temperature, the fiber is more fragile, microbending loss becomes more apparent. Universal optical fiber current Telcordia GR-20 standard does not regulate low temperature microbending performance and test methods.

DSM and Telcordia hope to improve on this, on the slightly curved to define performance standards. Telcordia’s chief consulting officer Dr. Osman Gebizlioglu: “FTTx network continues to expand, bringing unprecedented investment costs, we believe that expansion of the existing GR-20 standard, will help solve the Microbend optical fiber signal loss caused by the problem. We hope this issue more in-depth understanding, evaluation and research, ultimately to reach low temperature microbending performance standards, to enhance the future performance of fiber-optic network and sustainability. “In addition, DSM fiber material, Mr.

Vice President Rob Crowell said: “DSM to focus on innovative optical coatings to enhance the microbending performance, without reducing the production line speed, in a wider temperature range to optical fiber transmission to minimize signal attenuation. We hope to cooperate with Telcordia, to the market promote the significance of microbend performance, while performance for the Tuijin fiber microbending edge technical standards do something.

“As part of the agreement, Telcordia will provide low temperature microbending performance status, and can be used to test the performance of fiber-optic cable products Microbend many ways. This information did not appear with the other GR-20-CORE standard, like the subject, will be admitted to the GR-20-CORE-date list of issues (ILR) in the.

Using this document, the industry will be kept informed of optical communication industry in product performance and evaluation methods, and current development. Telcordia will also prepare and publish a special report (SR), the report will be low temperature microbending optical fiber coating performance assessment of the current situation, while the third generation DSM DeSolite Supercoatings products, an independent third party evaluation, thus for the service providers of the most authentic materials to help them determine their network will benefit from DSM DeSolite Supercoatings products.

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