Registered Nurses – the Known Facts

Registered nurses, or RNs, make up a large population of the healthcare occupation field, with more than 2.6 million jobs on the market. Approximately 60 percent of the registered nurse jobs are within the hospitals.

For the Potential Registered Nurse

If you are interested in becoming a registered nurse, there are several paths that can be taken to reach your goal. You can choose to attend a college to get a Bachelors degree or Associates degree.

If this is not for you and you do not have that much time on your hands, an approved nursing program is another method that can be utilized to earn your diploma. To continue in nursing to become a specialized nurse, you will need to attend more classes and receive another diploma in that field.


However, the overall opportunities within the job community are excellent. The amount of jobs that are available will vary on the location and how many jobs need to be filled in the community.

Registered nurses will work in different settings; however, job responsibilities are one in the same. The registered nurses are knowledgeable in various medical conditions and are trained to handle each situation.

Many registered nurses are also responsible for handling the emotional support of their patients’ loved ones. A registered nurse will lend a ear or give a hug when the time calls for it.

They also record the patient’s medical history and report the symptoms to the doctor. A registered nurse is also going to help perform any diagnostic tests that the doctor has ordered and analyze the results.

An RN is also going to be responsible for helping to teach a patient and their family tips to managing their illness or disease. This will require the registered nurse to explain care instructions regarding diet, exercise, and activity restrictions.

Educating the patient on warning signs is another important task for which registered nurses are responsible. Where the RN works will depend on the exact job description. There are some places where an RN will handle general health screenings of patients as well as giving immunizations.

Blood Drive
A blood drive is another popular event that takes place all over the world and a registered nurse may be in charge of the blood drive. Registered nurses will also establish a health care plan for their patients and will schedule medication and exercise regimes as ordered by the doctor.

Residential Homes

These nurses can not only work in hospitals, but also work in a patient’s home. There is a high demand for registered nurses who are needed to work in a home setting where the person who requires care needs an hour or more of care per day.


Also, there is the type of care that a patient’s family can not take care of themselves. In most cases, this is actually in a hospice setting where the patient is terminal and needs around-the-clock medical care. All of these responsibilities are part of a registered nurse’s training.

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Category: Jobs
Keywords: registered nurses,registered nurse,registered nurse jobs,nurse jobs

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