The Effects of Forgetting to Prioritize Home Security

What’s the worst that can happen if your home is broken into? Maybe a broken front window and a few missing electronics, right? Wrong! The consequences of forgetting to make home security your top priority can affect every aspect of your daily life. Even if the financial loss is not devastating, a home invasion can be absolutely devastating emotionally. If you don’t worry too much about your belongings, you may also be forgetting to consider the feelings and emotions that go along with a home invasion.

Though the initial loss is financial, many victims of home intrusions report that the after-effects last long after their belongings have been replaced. This is true even if you are not home when the burglary occurs, but it is especially truthful if you are there to witness the break-in. Experiencing this traumatic event, a worst-case scenario, can take years to get over. It may even lead to anxiety, insomnia, or panic attacks. Of course, the effects are even worse if the home invasion is coupled with an assault in addition to the burglary.

Even if you are not home when the attack occurs, this invasion of privacy and space can lead to a feeling of insecurity or even paranoia. In fact, victims may never feel safe in the home again. Many victims of burglaries or home invasions feel forced out of the neighborhood, and move away within a year or two of the break-in. Though moving may eventually make them feel safer, it also comes with additional costs in terms of time and money. Those that do stay in the home may suffer sleepless nights as they lay awake listening to any noise that could mean a burglar is near.

Besides the loss of belongings, the emotional damage, and the potential physical effects of confronting a burglar, having your home broken into also creates a headache that will last for months if not years. You may have to deal with the police, your insurance company, and your bank in order to file a report, get your belongings replaced, and watch out for identity theft. Having your home broken into may also serve as an eye opener, prompting you to secure your house and add home security features. In any case, the aftermath of a break-in is never as simple as just going shopping to replace your missing belongings.

The world is scary enough for those who have never fallen victim to a crime. The consequences of becoming a victim in your own home can be devastating. The best way to avoid these far-reaching effects is to make home security a priority today. Far too many families put this off or never really think of the potential consequences. Most people think of their home as the safest place they can be. However, all they do to protect themselves while inside is lock the front door. Instead of leaving yourself essentially unguarded, take the necessary steps to improve your home security. While this may seem like overkill now, you’ll certainly be glad you have it if the alarms ever go off in the night.

Author Bio: Resist Attack has a full range of TASER devices to keep you and your family safe. Also check for current specials on a home hidden camera

Category: Home Management

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