What is Belly Fat Saying About You?

Are you carrying extra inches around your mid-section? You’re not alone. As men age their waist size tends to increase. Excess belly fat is unhealthy as well as unattractive. Below we will discuss:

-Key factors that increase belly fat

-Health risks belly fat pose for men

-Steps to shed belly weight

As men age, key hormones such as testosterone decline which cause a decrease in metabolism and an increase in a sedentary lifestyle because of a loss of motivation. The result is the male body accumulating fat, primarily belly fat. Fat contains an enzyme called aromatase which converts testosterone to estrogen which can further accelerate increased body fat. As the level of testosterone drops further, the issue becomes more pronounced.

The drop in testosterone and the increase in estrogen add to the symptoms of andropause-sometimes referred to as male menopause. Unhealthy hormone levels are unhealthy for the body in general and in particular for the prostate, heart and brain.

Why is Belly Fat a Specific Concern?

Gaining fat in the belly region, as opposed to other regions in the body, places a man at a greater risk for serious health problems. The following health risks may occur with excess body fat:

-Heart disease


-Specific types of cancer

-Type 2 diabetes

-Insulin resistance

-High triglycerides

-Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol

Getting Rid of Belly Fat

Whether you’re trying to get rid of belly fat or decrease fat from another part of your body, the basics of weight-loss remain unchanged with one addition.

-Reduce calories mainly refined carbohydrates. Decrease portion sizes and increase the amount of low-calorie, healthy foods in your daily diet.

-Increase physical activity. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends adults get a minimum of two hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, in addition to strength training.

-The addition: Building on the above information, you may want to investigate the possibility that you have low testosterone levels and the possible treatment options available for low testosterone levels.

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy/Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You?

Before prescribing male hormone replacement therapy in general and testosterone replacement therapy in particular, a physical exam and a series of blood tests, including a PSA (protein-specific antigen) test, must be performed to measure testosterone levels. If you are suffering from low testosterone levels, your physician can discuss the various treatment options. Many insurance companies cover the costs of andropause treatment, and male menopause treatment is often available for purchase with a tax advantaged flexible savings account.

Male hormone replacement therapy and testosterone replacement are effective low testosterone treatment options for men with andropause. If you have any symptoms associated with andropause, such as low energy, irritability, hot flashes, abdominal weight gain, loss of muscle strength, loss of sex drive and the inability to maintain an erection, talk to your doctor. The sooner you speak with a physician and get checked for low testosterone levels, the sooner you can begin feeling like yourself again.

Author Bio: Jim Michels is an expert on how to treat low testosterone andropause symptoms . His company renewman.com focuses on male menopause and andropause and specializes in treating male menopause symptoms through male hormone replacement therapy, testosterone replacem

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: male hormone replacement therapy, anti-aging, testosterone replacement, low testosterone treatment

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