Can You Really Prevent Acne?

It happens to almost all human beings – eventually our skin, usually on our face, gets a mind of its own and starts erupting at the worst possible times. For most people, acne stops after puberty, but for others, they deal with it for decades, well into their adult years. Preventing acne is an enormous business, and one that unfortunately often fails to deliver on its promises.

If you are a teenager and you are interested in preventing acne before it starts, here are a few facts about acne. First of all, don’t listen to what your mom says – chocolate doesn’t cause pimples! That doesn’t mean, of course, that you should go on a chocolate binge. But what it does mean is that acne is not your fault. As long as you keep your skin clean, then the acne that you get is through no fault of your own.

Working in a burger joint and guzzling soda doesn’t cause acne, either. But a bad diet certainly doesn’t help. If you eat too much fat, your body will start to try to get rid of it through the pores and when oil gets stuck in your pores is when acne begins. So taking care of your nutritional needs is vital if preventing acne is your goal.

Some studies show that acne is actually genetic, so if your mom and dad had acne, the chances are pretty good that you will, too. So, go ahead and blame it on them! Seriously though, although you may be more prone to get acne, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do things to fight it off.

The first key to preventing acne is to keep your skin clean. Wash it regularly and make sure that there is no bacteria or excess grease on the surface. Also make sure that you use lotions that are non-comedogenic, which means that they will not clog your pores.

Using products like hair gel or make-up can also cause acne. You don’t want to clog up those pores, so use as little product as possible, especially around areas of your face and body that are particularly oily. If you are getting acne on your back or chest, start wearing clothes that are a little looser, use powder in the morning, and make sure you shower thoroughly after sweating. Working out is a great way to get acne started, so keep your body clean.

Finally, the one thing your mom was right about is picking your zits. If you have acne and are constantly touching it, you will only spread bacteria from one zit to another. Wash your face, treat it with the right products and leave it alone. Picking or popping your pimples will only serve to spread acne and make the scarring much worse so don’t do it.

Preventing acne can be done, but for many people it is almost a full-time job. Take care of yourself, eat well, stay clean, and make sure that your pores are always oil-free.

Author Bio: Worried about your next acne attack and what it’s going to do to your skin? Why not take a look at preventing acne instead of just curing it. At least that way you might find out what’s actually causing your acne in the first place. To learn more about acne treatments and preventing acne click here.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: acne,acne treatments,spots,pimples

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