How Can Swimming Increase Your Height?

Yes, we all know that swimming is one of the best exercises you can do as the motion involved the usage of a combination of muscles throughout your entire body that few other exercises can even come close to. However, can swimming really help you to increase your height and grow taller?

Let us take a look. If we scrutinize the many exercises and stretches that can help us increase our height, we can see that in many of these exercises, they use body motions that are similar in swimming. This will imply that swimming targets the right muscles for height gain.

Since swimming is a low impact workout unlike weight training or running which can compress your joints and spine slowing down your height increase, swimming do not have any of these effects. Furthermore, swimming is full of stretching motions that encourage joint decompression and elongate your muscles thereby encouraging height gain. Best of all, swimming also avoids the effects of gravity pull on your body and thus is countering the effect of gravitational pull that may stunt vertical growth.

The next question will be which swimming style is best for height increase? With so many swimming styles and techniques which ones should you workout with most? Do you want to know the answer?

The answer is that all styles of swimming are just as effective. No matter which technique or style you use because the very act of swimming requires the constant movement of many different parts of your body and thus you can vary the styles just for the sake of variety to avoid boredom.

Because this is such a fabulous exercise, you do not need to stay in the water for a long time. Just half an hour of leisurely swim will already be very beneficial to you. That will mean you can swim leisurely and enjoy yourself without treating it as a workout.

The good news is that instead of a leisurely swim, if you try to swim rigorously as in training for a competition, because of the higher intensity of the workout, your body will naturally produce more human growth hormones (hgh) and as we all know, hgh is a vital component in encouraging increase in height.

The truth is that swimming can also help adults who have stopped growing to increase their height through joint and spine decompression and muscle stretching. However, as we get older, our natural growth hormone production decline correspondingly and we may need hgh enhancers to help our bodies to produce more of our natural growth hormones.

Hgh or growth hormones enhancers or releasers are not steroids as some people may think, but are pills made from natural herbs to help our body increase its own hgh production. That is why you can get them at any drugstore or health stores without medical prescription.

So why not take up swim as a pleasurable leisure activity and at the same time, reap its many healthy effects and even increase your height? After all, it can be a fun activity which you can indulge in three times a week or more if you like to get excellent results. Want to grow taller? Then go for a swim.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Grow Taller Human Growth Hormones and How To Build Swimmers Physique Without Swimming

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: swimming, grow taller, increase height, human growth hormone, hgh

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