Martial Arts DVD Can Help You Improve Footwork

Martial arts and combat self defense training require a solid foundation in footwork. In addition to professional instruction at a gym or health center, you can also practice to improve your footwork at home with the aid of any martial arts DVD with instruction in footwork.

Fighting with your upper body is only part of a good combat self defense program. You also need your lower half to maintain balance, control your range, and gain access to better fighting strategies. As you practice to improve your footwork, you’ll want to keep a few key points in mind.

How Footwork Improves Your Game?

Different martial arts styles require different tactics and strategies. For instance, the different stances in Tae Kwon Do help you achieve different goals. Switching your lead leg can help you use different kicks, and quick movements help you confuse your opponent and catch him off guard. You can use the shuffle step to close the distance between you and your opponent. Footwork also helps you evade – another very important skill in self defense training. If you can move backwards or to the side, you can avoid strikes and blows.

When you combine footwork along with target upper body movements, you can actually create angles that make it easier for you to attack. Several disciplines including Filipino martial arts make use of triangular footwork. The Chinese martial arts tend to use circular footwork to evade and engage their opponents and attackers. Once you develop the basics, you will be able to develop your own set of footwork tools. After you master them, you will be prepared to take on some of the best opponents in the discipline.

Developing your footwork regimen is made possible by a process of repetitive motions. After a time, your movements are reactionary and almost involuntary. They become a part of you. You might see boxers in the gym practicing footwork while they punch a heavy bag. After each and every contact with the bag, they will move their feet and their upper body to gain a new angle and a new point of attack for striking their opponent. Footwork doesn’t just benefit practitioners of the martial arts. You can use a martial arts DVD for footwork training to help you in boxing, knifing, and even fencing.

How to Improve your Footwork?

One of the most important things you can do is to keep on your toes. To develop the muscles and endurance that allow you to maintain this stance, you can jump rope. Cross training is good too. Sports that require the use of your upper and lower body are excellent for developing balance and improving your foot work. Try basketball, wrestling, and Tai Chi.

The more you practice your footwork, the better your overall fighting strategy will be. For more help with your footwork you can practice sparring with an instructor or advanced opponent. You can also practice your technique in front of a mirror.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts dvd, please check out combat self defense.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: martial arts dvd, combat self defense

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