Krav Maga and Military Self Defense: 6 Facts

In the world of martial arts, there are so many different disciplines to choose from. Each on tends to emphasize a different set of training tactics or techniques. Krav Maga is a military combat training program that was developed in the 1930s in Czechoslovakia. It was originally developed as a method of protecting the members of the Jewish community from Nazi soldiers.

1.The founder of the military self defense discipline known as Krav Maga was Imi Sde-Or. The history of this self defense practice is very closely related to the advancement of the state of Israel, and the country’s need to train its military to protect the people in one of the world’s most volatile regions.

2.During the time of Krav Maga’s development, firearms were not allowed. This had a tremendous impact on the style of Krav Maga. It was imperative that military have the skills and expertise to find effectively in unarmed combat.

3.The words Krav Maga are Hebrew. Translated literally they mean “close combat” or “contact combat.” The techniques employed by this method include striking, grappling, and wrestling. It is taught to elite Special Forces military all across the globe. This military self defense program is centered on the following philosophies: threats should be neutralized and offense and defense maneuvers should be performed simultaneously.

4.There are four basic Krav Maga principles. Counter attack immediately. Target vulnerable places on the body (throat, groin, kees, eyes and jaw). Take down opponent with continuous assault of counter attacks. Be aware of surroundings and look for a possible escape path or objects that can be used as weapons.

5.Krav Maga is a military self defense discipline without rules. That is, it is not governed or regulated. The goal is to ensure the user’s safety and render the opponent incapacitated. Both men and women train using the same techniques and drills. Unlike other self defense programs, there is no official sporting federation associated with Krav Maga. Practitioners do not wear uniforms; however, a few organizations do mark a learner’s progression through levels of training with colored belts or badges.

6.Before the year 1980, all the Krav Maga experts lived in the country of Israel, and they trained under the Israeli Krav Maga Association. It was in 1980 that Israeli Krav Maga experts were contacted by students in the United States who were interested in learning the discipline. Then, in 1981, six Israeli Krav Maga teachers came to the Unites States to begin teaching the system.

Today Krav Maga’s popularity has grown tremendously throughout the world. From private instruction to self defense DVD lessons, many more people are learning the discipline. In addition to Special Forces military in Israel and around the world, civilians law enforcement officers, security guards, and bodyguards are also learning to practice Krav Maga. Many organizations around the world teach Krav Maga or a variation. Since Imi’s death, many groups have arisen, claiming to be derived from the original.

Author Bio: For more information about military self defense, please check out self defense dvd.

Category: Sports
Keywords: military self defense, self defense dvd

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