Self Defense Training Tips

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And while we don’t go out of our way to find trouble, trouble just seems to find us. In this day and age, it is important for each of us to learn something about self defense training. It can help us protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Keeping these four self defense training tips in mind can help you come out of an attack safely.

1.Keep a clear head. It is important that you stay calm and use your head when danger strikes. When your body’s adrenaline kicks in, you will notice that things to happen to you in slow motion. If you stay calm and avoid panicking, your brain will work quickly and it will seem as though you have plenty of time to decide on the appropriate course of action.

You can also use your head – literally. Your skull is unbelievably strong, and it can be used as a weapon. If you head butt your attacker, you can disable him. With your head, you can quite easily break an attacker’s nose. Even if you are grabbed from behind, you can thrust your head backward in an attempt make contact with his face. If you make a connection just once or twice to the nose or collarbone, for instance, you can permanently thwart your attacker’s plans.

2.Look for common weapons. There will almost always be something around you that you can use as a weapon to defend yourself from your attacker. You don’t need years of martial arts training to figure out that a rolled up magazine, your keys, a can of hairspray, or even a can of green beans can be an effective tool for helping you fight back.

When you find an object that is hard and heavy, the best way to use it is to throw it against bone. The face, shins, elbows, knees, and hips are all susceptible to this kind of blunt force. If you have a weapon that is sharp, use it on soft tissue like the skins, eyes, or throat. Items like hairspray should be directed at your attackers face and eyes. While squinting, he won’t be able to see you. You might find yourself with an opportunity to get away.

3.Think triangles. One of the worst things you can do during a fight is move in a straight line – forward, back, right, or left. However, this is what we naturally tend to do during an altercation. Instead, you should move your body in a triangle. When you move at angles, you actually step out of your attacker’s intended path. You change the entire angle and positioning of your body.

4.Don’t make yourself a target in the first place. Avoid being in dark places alone, and keep your head up and your eyes peeled for anything or anyone that looks suspicious. If you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings, you make the ideal candidate for the victim of a mugging or assault.

Author Bio: For more information about self defense training, please check out martial arts training.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense training, martial arts training

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