Is Resume Software Any Good?

When you are looking for a new job the most important thing you can do to increase your chances of getting a great position is to have a well written resume. But some people are better than others at writing resumes and perhaps this just isn’t your strong point. If that is the case there is nothing to worry about as there are plenty of ways that you can get help in writing your resume. One way is to use resume software, but how do you know if it is any good or not?

Resume software is really like anything else these days, there are a good number of programs that you can buy and each will have its pros and its cons. Good resume writing software should have all of the following:

-Phrases to use: Pre written phrases that you can use regardless of what type of job you are after.

-Resume Wizard: Most resume software comes with some type of resume wizard where you fill in some answers and the wizard creates a resume draft for you.

-Space saving tools: Templates and tools that will help you to fit your resume onto one single page.

-Variety: You want to find resume software with many different font styles to choose from.

-Error proofing: Good resume software will have spelling and grammar checking devices built in.

These are the bare minimum requirements that should be included in any resume software that is worth its salt. There are many other features that you will be able to find with resume software but as the features begin to rise up so too do the prices.

Resume software can be very useful for those who have no idea of where to start and just don’t want to go the route of a professional resume writing service. If you decide that you want to go with resume software, be sure that you get:

-Easy installation: Keep in mind that some resume software is easy to install on your PC and others are near impossible. Of course you will want to go with the type that installs with ease. If you opt for software that takes you a day to install you are being counterproductive and not really saving any time at all.

-Customer service: Go with resume software that has a good customer service department by way of the web and the phones. This will come in handy if you get stuck on installation or have a question about the software in general.

Resume software is indeed a great tool and can help you to create a wonderful looking resume which will ensure that you get the highest chance of getting that job you are after. But beware of what you are buying and never go for the cheapest resume software available. Not to say that you need the most expensive, but be sure that the software you purchase has all the little extra that you will need to create a great looking resume.

Author Bio: Jason Kay is a professional resume writer and regular contributor to, which provides job search tips, interview advice, and resume software reviews.

Category: Career
Keywords: resume software,good resume software,good resume writing,find resume software

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