In Search of the Best Anti Wrinkle Cream on the Market

How do you find the best anti wrinkle cream on the market? You start by ignoring the advertising claims.

Many company claims border on false advertising. In most cases, the claims are based on scientific research concerning a specific formula. While the ingredient used in the research might be present in the cream, it might not contain the right concentration.

For example, coenzyme Q10 creams have proven to be very effective for reducing wrinkles and reversing sun damage. They work on a molecular level to repair damage done by free radicals, because that’s what antioxidants do.

When the results of the studies concerning the antioxidant’s benefit were published, cosmetic companies started advertising that their formula contained it. You’ll see labels on body lotions, face creams and many other products that say “now with coenzyme Q10.”

What you need to do is to look at the list of ingredients on the back of the package. In most cases, you will find coenzyme Q10 (aka ubiquinone) somewhere near the body. Sometimes, I have found the ingredient listed after the artificial preservatives.

If something is really the best anti wrinkle cream on the market, it will contain ubiquinone. There’s no doubt about that. But, ingredients are listed in descending order according to the percentage included in the bottle. In other words, the one at the top of the list are present in high concentrations, while the ones at the bottom are present in very low concentrations.

The amount of artificial preservatives that may be included in a product is restricted. The ingredients are known allergens and irritants. The concentration must be very low or they will cause serious adverse reactions.

So, the product I mentioned above was definitely not the best anti wrinkle cream on the market. Since ubiquinone appeared after the paraben preservatives, the concentration was not high enough to provide the benefits seen in clinical studies.

According to what I have read, it takes a 5% concentration of coenzyme Q10 combined with a 10% concentration of vitamin E. After three months of use, a 30% reduction in wrinkles has been seen.

It might be possible to get faster results if other active compounds are included in the formula. Examples of those active ingredients include grape seed oil, wakame kelp extracts and the active form of the protein keratin.

The best anti wrinkle cream on the market contains all of those ingredients. As you can see, there is not a chemical or synthetic compound among them. There is no need to use synthetic chemicals on our faces. Just like there is no need to use harsh compounds.

Natural, safe and gentle is the way to go. All of the allergic and adverse reactions that people commonly report after using skincare products are due to harsh compounds or synthetic chemicals like parabens. Why take the risk.

If the benefits outweighed the risk or if the risk was minor, it might be worth it. But, the best anti wrinkle cream on the market contains only ingredients that would be safe enough to eat.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best natural skin care products. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients in their skin firming cream. To learn more visit her anti wrinkle creams site.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: best anti wrinkle cream on the market

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