The Gap Year Family

While you’re away on your gap year, you can expect to meet all manner of people from all walks of life. However, don’t be surprised if various members of your group begin to remind you ever so slightly of the typical members of a family. Regardless of age or life experience, we all play a role and the gap year family is no exception to this rule.

The Surrogate Mum

There are those who go decide to take a gap year on a whim; the extent of their planning being to book a flight and make sure they get to the airport on time, with all other organisation waiting until they’ve arrived. There are however, also those who will have spent days and days poring over maps and guidebook to ensure that they are prepared for every eventuality, and ready to see everything they possibly can while they are away. The surrogate mother of the group will almost certainly come from this latter section of society. They are the ones who will have the sun cream ready for you and the insect repellent at hand; the ones who will find the best excursions and sign you up so that you don’t have to worry about anything but turning up; and they are probably the ones that will look after you as you feel the effects of drinking the water that they had specifically advised you against drinking. Not necessarily any older or wiser than you, simply more organised, the surrogate Mum of the group is one member you will always look back on with fond memories.

The Terrible Twosome

In the words of Zazu from The Lion King, “there’s one in every family, two in mine”. Much the same can be said of the gap year family. Within every group of people there tends to be two that gel extremely well within minutes of meeting each other. This can be intimidating to the rest of the group at first, but the terrible twosome does not shut themselves away from everyone else, or speak in code. They simply bounce off one another and feed off their own excitement, often making them the spontaneous, hyperactive members of the family. Their enthusiasm will rub off on everyone, making for some of the most fun and random adventures you will have on your gap year. Though the surrogate Mum may panic at the very thought of some of their more hair-brained ideas, you can guarantee that the terrible twosome will push you to try everything and make the most of your time away.

The Grandad

Not Grandad due to his age, but simply thanks to his demeanour, the Grandad is the most relaxed member of the gap year family. Perfectly willing to go along with whatever the group wants to do and allowing himself to be organised by everyone else, the Grandad is simply there to have a good time. Not a big talker and certainly not one to fight to get himself heard over the terrible twosome, he will, from time to time, manage to astound you with an incredibly funny one-liner that you will be repeating round the dinner table for years afterwards. Always there and ready to listen, Grandad is a steady figure in the gap year family – a lot of fun, but not easily ruffled and quite willing to take a back seat.

So, if you’re worried about missing your family while you’re away on your gap year, don’t be, as there’s a new family out there waiting for you, and they are the ones who will make your adventure what it is.

Author Bio: Mark Bottell is the General Manager for Worldwide Experience, an online tour operator offering extended breaks on gap year and other wildlife conservation holidays for adults.

Category: Travel
Keywords: gap year

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