Learn to Write and Publish Your Work For Profit!

One proven way to promote your business opportunity effectively is to write about what you do in simple yet informative blogs, forums and articles. There are experts who feel that article marketing is the most powerful, affordable and focused medium to promote any online business. Writing articles for some folks is an easy process while others struggle with the task of putting their thoughts in words on paper or electronically. Forcing yourself to write when you don’t feel like writing is a quick turn off for most marketers.

Nothing says you must write an article every day. I personally write at least one informative article every day and it comes pretty natural now that I’ve been doing it for awhile. When I first started an online business I was told I needed to learn to write and it was quite a chore for me to fulfill the demands that I put on myself, however, when I relaxed and focused my thought process on what I wanted to convey to my readers the process became so much easier.

Not everyone can write and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you don’t feel that you can write, then pay a ghost writer to write for you. There are some excellent writers out there that can write some powerful copy but they can’t market worth a hoot. Do what you do best. If you can market and can’t seem to get the hang of writing then let someone else write for you.

Recent reports indicate that article marketing is a sure fire way of promoting any product or service online so use this medium to promote your business quickly and effectively.

In the rest of this article I want to share with you some of the basics that will help you become the writer you need to be…..to succeed. You may never win some fancy awards for your writing but you can gain “Top Positions on Google” and other fine search engines simply by writing articles on a consistent basis and publishing those writing online. The search engines love new keyword rich content about any subject so choose a subject that you’re passionate about and just start writing about what you know and how you think and talk. You learn to write by writing!

Try your hand at writing a simple article just for the heck of it about any subject you feel important to you right now. Keep your article and review it in a few days and modify it with some new ideas you may have thought of since you wrote the original article.

Be sure and save your writings because there is a thought process that you’ve just gone through that you may never experience again in your life. The next time you write you may use your previous writing as an outline and come up with a masterpiece…who knows. Publish all of your writings in an article directory….better yet own your own article directory.

Keep in mind that your article needs some form of structure. I like to retro my thought process back to my high school days and use the five w’s that they taught us to use for writings in English class. Who, What, When, Where and Why or how. This same format that was used years ago is still a viable method you can use when constructing a blog, posting to a forum or writing an article for publication.

I like to have a general idea of what the title of my article will be based on the subject matter I want to write about before I start to write, however, I do not name my article until I am completely finished with my writing. This allows me some leave way in writing as well as allowing me to name the title more relevant to what my finished writing evolved into. There’s no cut in stone way to write since we are all so different and we each have a different delivery of our thoughts when writing. Just be yourself, write from the heart, be straight forward and descriptive about your subject matter should work for you….it always works for me.

The latest trend of owning your own article directory is an excellent way for you to have access to a directory for submissions for all your writings. You’re always in control of your admin panel and if you don’t like the outcome of an article you can change it. Other authors will also sign up in your directory and submit to your article directory too. By having your own directory it’s a powerful way to build links and back links to your primary business website.

In Conclusion…There is no better time to learn to write than right now. Write about what you know, be truthful and thoughtful of whatever you may be writing about. Practice makes perfect so keep all your writing for future reference and don’t hesitate to update your articles with your latest thoughts on a regular basis. Consider owning your own article directory and experience the full benefits of what this one affordable asset can do for your overall marketing results.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your writing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minutes consultation and see if you qualify for your own article directory.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google,online marketing, marketin

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