How Following Doctors Orders Can Kill You?

When it comes to trust and credibility there is nothing like the opinion of a medical doctor. We have all grown to love and trust the medical profession. After all their job is to help you when you are sick or injured. At the other extreme is lawyers. We respect the legal profession and think it is indicative of achievement and success, but at the same we think of lawyers are being dishonest. Often in making such an assessment we are correct. There are many lawyers that are dishonest, greedy or corrupt, but unfortunately the same is true of medical doctors. Many of them are dishonest, greedy, or corrupt. In fact there are probably just as many dishonest doctors per 1 million as there are lawyers. The same is true of any profession. The reason is very simple, we are all human. We all have the same characteristics and propensities to be and do as human beings do and are.

People charged with very serious crimes often are forced to entrust their freedom to an attorney and people often complaint about the result. The vast majority of the time the person charged is guilty and every once in a while they are not. The complaint is not because of the result, because of expectations. A guilty person feels that all lawyers are corrupt and liars and will set them free. Such is not the case.

Medical doctors on the other hand are extremely dangerous, not because of who they are or what they do, but because of how much we trust them. They prescribes all types of unimaginable drugs which alter our minds and bodies in ways we could not ever have imagined. For the most part we survive the experiment and on occasion we thrive, because they got it right. What most of don’t consider is the fact that doctors get wrong the vast majority of the time. When was the last time you went for an ailment and did not have to go back, because of a correct diagnosis ? Some things are easy to diagnose, a broke arm, a broken leg, a laceration, things that are pretty obvious that require almost no expertise, but most other times that is not the case. You go in and have go back and then again and again. One day you feel better and you decide not to go back, because your body has healed itself.

The sad part is that we don’t question a doctors direction or instruction or the prescriptions. In fact if we feel very ill following a prescription, we will usually attribute it to something else. Then a life is lost, not because of a lack of medical treatment, but because of medical treatment. An over prescription of medication, and overdose prescribed by your trusted doctor. You later find that more likely than not the death occurred because of the over prescription and the doctor will not even say sorry. The hospital will not say they are sorry in fact no body cares that your loved one is dead. When you live in Sacramento, it is then time to call the Sacramento personal injury lawyer and ask if you have a claim. You are then shocked to find that you are having trouble finding a Sacramento personal injury lawyer to help you. How can it be that a hungry Sacramento personal injury lawyer be advertising on TV, Billboards, and the yellow pages not be interested in pursuing a claim for the loss of your child, or your husband, or your wife ? In California and many other states there are caps on what you can recover and how much you can recover. It is a law that helps insurance companies be more profitable, not a law that helps keep medical costs lower, or increase the quality of medical care. It is just the way it is. This worsened by the fact that a medical malpractice claim has to be supported by the opinion of a medical expert. A medical expert is another doctor that happens to specialize in that area of medical care. Medical doctors don’t like to testify against each other and the ones that do, charge a lot. In fact as much as $20,000 or more to go testify on your behalf. Your Sacramento lawyer will analyze the case and then determine that your case can result in a very large loss for the firm.

Author Bio: Find ten ways to maximize the value of your case at Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer

Category: Career
Keywords: personal injury lawyer, penney lawyer

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