The Inside Story on Pain

Pain is perhaps the most hated and unpleasant sensation that any human being would like to have. This is one sensation that is not wanted by anyone, whether in the physical form or in the mental form. In the physical sense it is the caused by tissue damage. The body is an incredible piece of engineering which is programmed in such a way that the feeling of hurt will automatically make us avoid damaging situations and protect the part that is paining while it heals. The entire process of feeling of the unpleasant sensation is caused due to a closely coordinated work process between the peripheral nervous system and other nervous receptors that pass on the message.

In most cases pain would automatically go away once the stimulus for it is removed and the body is completely healed. In certain cases, though it may persist even after medication. There are also instances when it may be present even without any stimulus being found. In certain other cases even without any pathology or damage, the symptoms may be present. Any body part which is paining is considered the most common reason for people visiting a doctor in the modern times. It is considered one of the major symptoms in various different medical conditions. It can a sensation that can significantly interfere with the quality of life of a person. There are certain methods including, hypnosis, social support, distraction and counseling that can help in such conditions.

Just as in the case with human beings, animals and even plants are known to experience pain. It is after all not a sensation that is limited to human beings. The only difference perhaps is that while we can express the discomfort, they do it in a different way. There have been varying theories put forward by several scientific researchers about whether animals really do feel painful symptoms. While on one hand certain researchers feel that they do so, there are some others who feel that it is not the case.

There have been many scientific researchers who have also put forward the theory that not only animals, even plants do feel pain from time to time, just as in the case with human beings. While in the case of animals at least the presence of any painful symptoms can be assessed to some extent by behavioral reactions, it is extremely difficult to do so in the case of plants. There are many specialists who believe that even certain invertebrates such as in the case of octopus too might be finding some of their body parts paining from time to time.

A lot of research is going on in the topic currently in universities and research laboratories around the world, with each one of them coming out with contrasting results. There have been recent claims that there are no receptors for feeling pain in fungi, plants and most of the insect species. Again, there are others who question the findings of such results. While the debate goes on, there can be no doubting the fact that pain, whether it is in human beings or in animals or plants is always unwelcome.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Pain Images, Pain Graphics or Pain Pictures.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Pain, research, symptoms, humans, science, body parts, stimulus

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