How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Miss You – Then Win Back His Love For Good

Nearly every woman that has ever suffered through a breakup, describe the experience by the emotions they felt. They mentioned different reactions, such as feeling stunned, hurt, heart broken, humiliated, rejected and anger. Nearly all of them say they felt a deep void in their life and realized how much they missed their ex boyfriend and was afraid they had lost him forever. This led to panic and desperation, and they reacted by instinct and went chasing their ex in an effort to win back his love for good. None of them mentioned making their ex boyfriend miss you.

Yet the key to getting your ex back is to make him have the same feelings you are having. He will not sit down right after a breakup and talk things over. Any attempt to communicate with him in any way will only result in more hurt, humiliation and rejection for you. The only way you will get him back is to walk away from him for a few weeks and have no contact with him at all. To appreciate you again, he will have to experience his life without you and begin to miss you. He cannot do that if you are in contact with him all of the time. So, you will have to put as muck distance between you and your ex as possible for at least a month.

During this time away from him, do some useful things for yourself. Take some night classes to improve you job skills, or do volunteer work. Seeing people more in need than you will make your problem with your ex boyfriend seem less important. This will restore your self confidence and make you see that you should not make him the center of your life. You can also be formulating a plan to win back his love. That should not be too hard because you have already taken the first step when you stopped having any contact with him. For the rest of the plan you only have to look at yourself and the emotions you went through after the breakup. If you make your ex boyfriend feel these same emotions he will want you back in a hurry.

You might not realize it, but by giving him the time and space to think, your ex is already starting to miss you. He is also wondering why you are not trying to get him back. He was sure you were still in love with him, but he is beginning to have doubts. Now, you should go out with your friends and have some fun. This will get back to your guy and he will think you are looking for someone to take his place. This will make him feel rejection and panic because he does not want to lose you. These feelings will lead to desperation and his instinct will take over. Since all men cannot stand to lose what they feel is theirs and they love a challenge, you have put your ex boyfriend in the mood to chase you again.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: make my ex boyfriend miss me,make him miss you,win back his love,get your ex boyfriend back

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