Creating Wedding Table Plans That Spare Your Sanity

Wedding table plans are the bane of almost anyone who’s fool enough to think that having a wedding would be a wonderful thing to do, and a perfect fairy tale from start to finish. Sadly creating wedding table plans takes more time than almost anything else, unless you happen to be sewing your own wedding dress or carrying your wedding cake on the front of your bicycle from Paris.

If you’re just about to start creating your own plan, then hold fire for a moment and think seriously about one or two points that could end up making quite a bit of difference to your eventual level of sanity. After all, a wedding is supposed to be a wonderful occasion, and all your table plan is trying to do is to instruct those family and friends you love very much where to park their bottoms. It doesn’t seem as though it would be very hard to achieve, and that’s exactly where the problem lies.

It is the general tendency for people to underestimate just how complex the task of creating wedding table plans is that results in the level of stress and anxiety that it does, quite apart from eating up the limited amount of time you have available for the task.

The first step is to ask yourself whether you really know the venue well enough to sit down with a pen and paper and sketch out a plan of the room. Even underestimating the width of the room by 2 or 3 feet can result in discovering that you can only get three tables across the width of the room, rather than the four you planned for. A small matter, but one than can make abig difference.

Similarly it’s a good idea to know where the toilets are, so that you can plan to place the children close by, as well as anyone else likely to need more frequent visits.

Once you have a really accurate idea of the room, preferably backed up by accurate measurements and a few digital photos to refer to you can sketch out the room. But before you start placing the tables around, do you know what shape they are? What size they are? How many of each shape and size you’ll definitely have access to on the day? Again, these are small points easily overlooked when creating wedding table plans.

Next it makes sense to start identifying those who’ll be on the top table, and position them, after which you’ll need to identify those people who may have particular needs, such as not being too close to the speakers, being near enough the top table to be able to hear the speeches or being close to the toilet or the entrance. Start to place these around the most appropriate tables.

Once these people are in place you’ll need to add their partners or families to the same tables, by which time your plan will start to come together.

But don’t think that by this stage you’re winning. By this stage you’re barely beginning, and have a long, long way to go. If you’re using paper and pen you have several pads’ worth to go, which is why more people today are using computers rather than paper, to ease sanity and reduce the carbon footprint caused through redrafting endless versions of wedding table plans.

Author Bio: Toptableplanner is a great online tool for arranging wedding table plans. Just drag and drop your guests and tables around the screen until you’ve created the perfect plan. There’s even a free trial so you can see exactly how it works.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: wedding table plans

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