How To Master The Art Of Seduction

Many people think that the art of seduction is a technique that you use immoral methods to seduce someone into going to bed with you. Yes, I do agree that some people do exploit others in this manner and that is not right.

However, if used in the right way, mastering the art of seduction and its applications can be a source of joy and lasting relationships for most couples. The art of seduction can be defined as the ability to persuade people of the opposite sex or even the same sex if you have that inclination to like you. This is something many people want to have but few actually are able to master it because there is indeed a learning process.

Although most people equate it with smooth talking, good looks or even becoming someone whom you are not, this is not always the case. If you think that the art of seduction is just that, you will most probably fail in learning the skills because the art of seduction is not about manipulating people at all. It is all about being genuinely likeable and being somewhat mysteriously attractive.

So how can you be genuinely likeable? First of all, create a great first impression. Like it or not, people form a very deep impression about you within seconds after seeing you and the first contact with you is sight. So dress well and keep yourself neat and tidy.

Just imagine meeting a person who dresses scruffily and smelling like last night’s ashtray. A negative impression will be formed within seconds, wouldn’t it? Although the fact that this person could be a very nice person and can be a potential good friend or even a lifelong mate. I know it is unfair to judge a person by his looks, but that is the way it is with this world.

Now guys, that does not mean that you should wear a suit and tie everyday. You only need to be neat and tidy and in clothing that suits you. As for women, you don’t have to dress skimpily to make men notice you. If you do that, you most likely may only attract lecherous men. Just be simply mindful that your clothes and appearance to suit the occasion will do.

Listening skill is an essential part of the art of seduction. If you keep interrupting conversations or worse, keep talking only about yourself, you will be a big turn off. In this game, nothing is worse than the inability of one person to pay attention to the other.

The golden rule of the art of seduction is simply be genuinely interested about the person you are seducing. This is one reason why so many people fail in mastering the art of seduction because they are not genuinely interested in what the other person is all about.

So brush up your listening skills, offer less opinions especially about yourself unless asked and you will be very likeable. People will naturally gravitate towards you once they can feel that you are a genuinely accepting and understanding person.

There are many more things you need to learn in order to master the art of seduction. However, by mastering the above two tips can already make you a very likeable and attractive person. So you see, there is no sleaze at all in the art of seduction but a genuine appreciation of people whom you want to seduce.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Art Of Seduction To Attract Girls and How To Have More Sex Appeal

Category: Dating
Keywords: art of seduction, attractive

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