Basketball Basic Skills Information For Beginners

Playing basketball is fun. It can be enjoyed in the backyard, on the playground or in the finest gymnasiums. The game itself gives you the thrill as you watch the star players make the different moves on the court. You get to have your favorite team and track their different games. You share the victory of your team and it gives you a different feeling like you have been hit with a zap stun gun. You are inspired to become a basketball player too. Before you can be one, you must know the basic skills of basketball.

The skills of the game are pleasurable for they provide meaningful challenges and immediate rewards. There are certain rules that must be followed for every game and you must be able to execute the different skills accordingly so that you will have a good play. The first skill that you must learn is dribbling. This is bouncing the ball with successive taps of one hand. You must slowly learn how to do this while staying in one position, while walking and while running.

Once you know how to dribble, you can already start learning how to pass. This is the act of throwing a ball to a teammate. It is important that you need to know how to perform these basic skill accordingly because the game involves team cooperation and passing to the person who is most likely available to shoot the ball to the ring in order to gain some points. There are three basic types of passing which you must try to learn to execute as a beginner.

The first kind of basketball pass that you can learn is the chest pass. From the name itself, the ball is at chest height, the elbows are slightly flexed, and the position is balanced and stable with one foot forward and the grip firm. The pass is accomplished by the thrust of the wrists and fingers. Moreover, the overhead pass involves the fingers comfortable spread and the elbows slightly out. The shoulders, hips and feet are parallel. Weight is on the ball of the feet and the knees are slightly flexed. The wrists are slightly cocked.

In addition to that, you must also learn about an excellent pass that would get the ball down the court quickly. The baseball pass is known for the position just like how the ball is thrown in the baseball sport. The passing hand with the ball is brought straight back and the ball is thrown overhand while the body weight shifts to the other foot.

Lastly, you must learn the different types of how to shoot the ball in the ring. This skill requires timing. You must know as a basketball player, when to shoot and when not to shoot. Just like the use of a self defense tazer which requires you to think and look at the target whether it is the right time to press the device. Lay-up, set and jump shots are the common basic shooting techniques that you must remember.

For a beginner like you in the game of basketball, you must learn the basics skills first. Try to practice executing these skills in your own background with friends and even with your family.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of which provides a good variety of Self Defense Products and TASER for personal protection. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit

Category: Sports
Keywords: basketball,basketball player,basketball pass,zap stun gun,self defense tazer,playing basketball

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