How To Ask Girls For Dates Successfully

Are you afraid to ask girls for dates? Most guys do because it sure is intimidating to have yourself in front of a woman who has the power to reject you. You know something? You need not be in that intimidating situation ever again.

Why? The reason is that you will never need to ask girls for dates ever again because if you do you will only be triggering the defense mechanism in her mind, especially if it is the first date with her. All sorts of questions will be flying in her mind such as, what does he want, is he flirting with me, will he want sex and she will come up with an excuse to turn you down. That is the reason why it is so intimidating for guys to ask for the first date and if attempted, are rarely successful.

Guys, unless a girl already likes you right from the start asking for a date seems like too much too soon for most girls. So instead of asking her direct for a date, why not try, “Hey, you seem like a fun person to hang out with. I am going over to Jack’s Bowl next week for a bowling session with some friends. If you gimme your number, I might invite you along if we are short of bowlers.”

Now can you see the difference? You are now not only not at her mercy, she is at yours. It is now at your discretion to invite her or not. Is this way of asking for a date intimidating? Obviously not, don’t you agree?

What you did was that you did not say this was a date and that takes away the pressure from both of you. She will more readily give you her number since the pressure is off. Furthermore, you did not make anything definite as you might invite her only if there are not enough bowlers and that takes the pressure off her further.

Next, you are simply just suggesting a group activity that she might quite well fit into and thus she will not have to worry about awkward moments that can happen from a one on one date. But unknown to her, the group activity can become a one on one date when both of you head off for supper or a drink together after the bowling session. Cool, isn’t it?

In a situation that you already knew the girl earlier and already have her number, simply call and tell her that you are going bowling with some friends and you are inviting her if she is interested to have some fun at the bowling alley.

So the entire idea is to leave the notion of going on a date out of the picture but she is just accompanying you to some fun activities. When she is having fun with a group of people, her defense mechanism will naturally be lowered and you can come closer together and bond.

So henceforth, instead of asking girls for dates, simply include her in your lifestyle activities and thus you will have your opportunities to seduce and flirt with until she falls for you. This is a much easier and successful way of asking for “dates” with women.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Ask Girls For Dates and How To Be Attractive To Girls

Category: Dating
Keywords: ask girls, for dates, successfully, how to

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