Exercise Redefined

Is it always a good thing to go by the book? Life would seem a really dull and monotonous if that is the case. While it is not a good idea to think that rules are meant to be broken, a bit of creativity and imagination can sometimes ensure great results in whatever you do. So, when it comes to exercise, rules are meant to be adapted to suit you and not the other way round!

Though it may sound a bit radical, it is best to have your own rules as far as fitness training is concerned. In fact this is what most personal trainers do. They give you a program which is suited to your present fitness level and future goals. Needless to say, both these criteria are unique to you. This brings us to a vital question.

Is fitness literature ineffective?

There are numerous guidelines regarding the why, how and what of fitness. These have two types of usage.

For people who intend to become fitness trainers, fitness literature forms the course material.

For people who want to start exercises, fitness guidelines serve as a do-it-yourself guide.

While fitness trainers learn in depth about their chosen subjects, you should not really use generic fitness literature to start your own fitness program. The reasons are:

These do not cater to your specific fitness goals.

There are lots of contradicting ideas and rules as far as fitness is concerned. You might easily get confused even if you get the right interpretation of the subject.

So, it is better not to take what the experts have to say, word for word, as fitness rules they have framed are meant to provide broad guidelines. Trust a personal trainer to interpret and implement those guidelines on your behalf, in the right manner. The execution is always up to you!

No matter what the rules of exercise say, you must always remember that,

1. Any exercise is better than no exercise. You don’t always have to hit the gym, follow a strict routine and work out by the clock. Even 15 minutes of free-hand exercise can be beneficial! This is particularly important in case you want to start working on your fitness. Taking small steps forward is the right approach rather than wasting time preparing for a big leap.

2. Keep it simple. If you don’t like to work out with fancy equipment there are numerous other options for you to look at. A personal trainer can open up a world of interesting exercises which do not involve machines of any kind.

3. Don’t ignore the signs! Your body might sometimes tell you that it just cannot take any more exercise. Fatigue, sluggishness and a general aversion to work out may indicate that you need a rest. Shrugging off these signals and training as usual may cause more harm than good. Give yourself a rest sometimes, particularly after training hard for months or weeks.

Exercise can yield the best results possible when you define what needs to be done. It should always be a challenge and not a grind. All the best!

Author Bio: For a greater variety of exercise tips check out this Rancho Cucamonga boot camp The author also works as an Upland personal trainer.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: exercise, results, fitness, get results, get in shape, personal training, fitness training

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