How to Deal With a Tough Workout

It is very difficult for most people to adapt to exercise like a fish takes to water. You must be experiencing the same, particularly if you have led a sedentary life thus far. To top it all off, you can sometimes find it nearly impossible to push through certain sessions which are actually very challenging. It may seem that you have hit a brick wall and you want to quit that workout immediately. But ask yourself; is it really what you should do?

In case you are serious about exercise you will definitely feel that quitting is the wrong option. By pushing through you can expand your horizons of physical and mental toughness. And quite frankly, it is all in the mind sometimes! Dealing with a tough workout is possible only if you display mental fortitude when necessary. Here’s how you can focus on completing the toughest workout there is:

1. Remember your fitness goal at all times. Your goal is your greatest motivation and when you are on the verge of giving up, just think about what you are striving for. Speak to yourself as that may be the pep talk you need. Visualize that you are already there and just think how proud you would feel when that actually happens.

2. Don’t look at the clock too often. Having a wall-clock in your gym may worsen your problem. When you are nearly exhausted, but have not yet completed your workout, don’t look at the clock! Instead you can tell yourself that your workout will be completed by the time one cup of coffee can be prepared or your favorite song plays! Also remember that once you are through, you can rest. Doesn’t get any simpler does it?

3. Learn to relax. When the going gets tough, you need to realize that your body may actually be tired. So it might be a good idea to,

Take five, but don’t stop exercising completely. Walk around, sip some water and lower your heart rate just a bit. Get back to your workout when you have overcome the feeling of fatigue.

Complete the rest of the workout at a lower intensity. This can be really helpful if the 5 minute break does not work.
Try alternatives. If you feel that you just cannot work at a particular machine, ask your trainer to suggest a similar machine which you can try your hand at. Trying a different exercise can also be a good idea.

4. Divert your mind. Sometimes, you need to get your mind off a certain workout in order to help your body complete it. Reduced attention to the challenge may take some load off your back. Think about other things while you work out, things you will do after you’ve finished working out, your favorite book, a recent movie you saw, your favorite recipe, the great holiday you had last year and anything else that can divert your mind but make you feel good too. Positive thought can make mountains seem like molehills!

Dealing with a tough workout is possible and you now know how. Give these ideas a try and see the difference!

Author Bio: The author knows the best way to get through a tough workout is working with a Basingstoke Personal Trainer Or for a group setting learn from this boot camp Rancho Cucamonga program

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: exercise, results, fitness, get results, get in shape, personal training, fitness training

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