Is Your Pet a Would – Be Courier?

Seeing animals inside cars is not necessarily an unusual sight for the average driver. After all, we often see vehicles driving along with a dog’s head hanging enthusiastically out of the window. However, it seems sometimes animals are slightly too keen to take to the roads and try the life of a courier.

Bear Faced Cheek

One bear in Colorado simply couldn’t resist the urge to become a courier for the day, much to the dismay of the family whose car he decided to commandeer. It seems the smell of a peanut butter sandwich that had been left in the car was the culprit, tempting the bear into the vehicle. The bear then managed to honk the horn, knock the car into neutral and send it rolling down hill. As the car started moving, the door slammed shut leaving the bear trapped in the driving seat as the car made its way further along the road until it finally came to rest in a thicket. However, if the condition the bear left the inside of the car in was anything to go by, this is one animal who could not be a courier, as presentation of a vehicle is very important in the industry.

Coyote Snuggly

A coyote in Nevada wanted so badly to be a courier that he wouldn’t let anything stand in his way. In fact, he decided to stand in the way of a car himself. A Honda Jazz ran over the coyote at a speed of around seventy-five miles per hour, leading the occupants of the car to believe that the poor animal was bound to have met his maker. On conclusion of their journey however, they lifted the bonnet of the car only to find the cute coyote wedged between the radiator and the bumper of the car. Naming the animal Tricksy, the pair managed to free him from his spot under the bonnet, but not before he’d had a little bit of time to enjoy a taste of life on the road.

Busy Baboons

These busy baboons in Cape Town might not have made their way into the driving seat just yet but it seems they’re half way there. The intelligent animals around the Cape Peninsula in South Africa have learnt to distinguish between the different sounds that cars make when they are being locked, or not as the case may be. The monkeys can tell whether the car has been locked or not, and also whether an alarm or immobiliser has been activated or not, simply by the noise the car does or doesn’t make as the owner leaves it. This provides them with all the information they need to decide whether to go picnic hunting around the car or not. The only question is, how long is the road between learning how to get into the car, and being able to drive it as a courier could?

So, whilst the idea of an animal courier seems somewhat far-fetched, it appears that there are animals endeavouring to get behind the wheel the world over.

Author Bio: Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world’s largest neutral trading hub for the same day courier and express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading courier services and capacity in a safe ‘wholesale’ environment.

Category: Pets
Keywords: courier

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