Creating Wedding Table Plans – The 3 Main Decisions

For those unfortunate souls to whom the task lands of creating wedding table plans, there are several key choices that need to be made quite early on. Often these decisions are made without any real understanding of the enormous repercussions likely to result from making the wrong choice.

Creating wedding table plans is often one of the most time consuming, laborious and stressful aspects of planning a wedding, and yet it needn’t be, as long as the right choices are made for the right reasons well in advance of the task becoming something akin to a day in the life of Sisyphus.

The first choice is of course whether to create a table plan or not. Wedding table plans are not merely an ornate way of suggesting where your highly civilised guests may like to dine. They’re a way of ensuring anarchy doesn’t overtake your wedding, and that your guests actually enjoy their time rather than wishing they could be safely at home scrubbing the toilet, unblocking the sink or plastering the bathroom ceiling.

In a recent survey nearly 80% of wedding guests said that they definitely preferred wedding table plans to be available rather than a mad free for all rush for the best seats.

The second choice is whether to simply start off by numbering the tables as is often done, or whether to be a little more creative. Numbering seems a fairly innocuous way of approaching the task, yet this again can have unforeseen repercussions. numbers imply a hierarchy, whether it’s intended or not.

Clearly those guests dumped unceremoniously on table 32 will be feeling considerably less valued than those proudly positioned on table 3, even if the two tables happen to be next to each other. Naming tables is a much safer way of carrying out the task, and can be a great way of adding a personal touch to the event.

Then comes a third decision, and this one is, to use a technical term, a biggie. Should you approach the challenge of creating wedding table plans using pen and paper, or a computer? For those who may be slightly concerned about anything more technological than a light switch, pen and paper may sound much safer.

But creating wedding table plans is a little like playing a game of chess during which people occasionally come up to the table and add a couple of pieces, remove a couple, change the size and shape of the board or simply change the rules to suggest that rooks can only move in circles. In other words, it’s a little like going mad very slowly and painfully. Creating wedding table plans in this way will inevitably end up with you experiencing more drafts than a wind tunnel.

The good news is that for both technologically minded people as well as technologically averse people there are computer based solutions which are little more complicated than a light switch (well, perhaps a double light switch, maybe even with a dimmer control), yet will spare you no end of frustration. Browser based, accessible from any computer, with no downloads and no mess, creating wedding table plans on the computer has never been as easy. It’s one decision that could make an enormous difference not only to the wedding, but also to your sanity.

Author Bio: Visit Toptableplanner today to see just how easy it is to create wedding table plans. Drag and drop your guests and tables around the screen until you’ve created the perfect plan. There are plenty of articles too on all aspects of wedding planning, from ideas for wedding favours, to accessories such as table crystals.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: wedding table plans

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