How Do We Accept Salvation From Jesus Christ?

You have probably encountered someone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. More and more people are coming to Christ each and every day. They want to trust Christ completely and unequivocally. They understand just what they will receive in return, everlasting life. Not a bad compromise by far.

Have you ever wondered how you too can be born again? Is there a part of your heart and soul that long for salvation? It is not that complicated. You just have to be serious and open your heart to the Lord. These are the steps you should take when being saved through Jesus. Just open your mind, heart and soul, and you too can bask in the glory of everlasting life through Jesus.

The first thing to do is admit that you are a sinner. None of us are perfect as mortal human beings and we all sin at one point in time or another. Understand that the Lord realizes our imperfections. He knows that we have sinned and will continue to make mistakes. This is not the important part. The important part is to realize that no matter what we have done, God is there for us if we allow him to be. He wants you to come to him, to turn your heart to him. If we are a lost sheep, God wants to find us and bring us home to be with him.

The next step in accepting salvation from Jesus Christ is to sincerely repent for the sins we have committed. It is important to be truly sorry. This means that you are willing to turn to God and away from your past sins. You must consider your past sins as something you need to run from, as they dangle in front of you attempting to take away your eternal salvation.

After repenting, you must immediately seek out people and places to support this. The enemy will always attempt to steal this away from you, and there is strength in numbers. Call a church, speak to a Pastor, tell what you did to someone, call a prayer line, visit a Christian bookstore, shout it from the rooftops! Do whatever you need to stay strong in your walk.

Accepting salvation is the most incredible gift we can give both ourselves and God. We in turn receive the ultimate gift from God, eternal salvation. Turn away from your sins and open your heart to God. He wants to bring us home to him. If you feel him pulling at your heart, don’t turn away. He is trying to let you know that he is waiting for you with open arms. If everyone only knew how much he loves them, I believe they would re-consider their evil ways, but our God is a loving compassionate man that does not kick doors down, he only goes where he is invited. I pray that your prays are answered and can be used to glorify God and further the kingdom of heaven.

Author Bio: Whitney Segura is a twenty-one year old internet marketer from Lafayette, Louisiana. Visit his website and learn about his ministry by visiting End Times Revelation.

Category: Religion
Keywords: catholic,catholicism,religion,spirituality,god,salvation,jesus,jesus christ,ministry,christian

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