What is a Plug-In, Anyway?

If you’re new to the blogging world, or if you’re starting your own website for a new business, odds are you’re a little overwhelmed by all the terminology out there. You’ve got to buy a domain name, find web hosting, and then choose a content management software that is user-friendly and that offers the flexibility and options you need.
Once you choose your content management software (and odds are you’ll choose WordPress) the site still isn’t finished. You’ve got to choose a theme (something that requires a lot of thought and consideration) that fits your purpose, and you’ve got to work with that theme to make it work for you. One way you can do that is by utilizing the many plug-ins that WordPress has to offer.

But what is a plug-in? By definition, it is a software add-on that performs a specific function in the scope of a larger software application. So, it’s something that you add to WordPress to make it do something it doesn’t automatically do all by itself. You’ve seen those commercials where they say there’s an “app” for something? That’s basically what a plug-in is. It’s an added application that adds a special feature to your website.

One of the categories for plug-ins relates to search engine optimization (SEO). These tools work to make your website rank higher on the internet’s search engines. They help those search engines find your website better than they can find other websites, making your website come up in searches, which then increases your traffic.

Another plug-in category relates to media. If you work with a lot of photos and/or videos, most WordPress themes need a little help when it comes to really making those images or videos pop. There are plug-ins that can even allow you to display your photos in a Flash slideshow.

A very important plug-in category is the one that relates to your site’s stats. You can track how much traffic your website gets, what type of visitors it pulls in, and what keyword is drawing them in. You can also see what search engine they’re using to get to your site, and whether or not Twitter or another social media site is bringing in traffic.

Speaking of social media sites, there are plug-ins related to that as well. You can install a plug-in that will automatically tweet your posts, and you can even expand that plug-in to tweet other internet posts that relate to your content.

Another helpful plug-in type is one that manages and blocks spam. There is a surge of comment spam on today’s internet, and some plug-ins help flag and filter spam comments so that you don’t even have to moderate them. This is a great time-saver, as well as something that helps your website maintain its credibility.

There are many plug-ins out there that will help you realize your fondest wishes when it comes to your website. Make sure you choose plug-ins that offer support, since a lot of WordPress theme creators do not offer support in regards to plug-ins. Choose wisely, and you will not be sorry.

Author Bio: Quality wordpress store plugin and free wordpress plugins can be found at PhPurchase.com

Category: Internet
Keywords: wordpress plugins, plug ins, plugins, plug-ins, wordpress plug-ins

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