5 Actions That Lower Monthly Credit Card Bills

These days, everyone is trying to get out of debt. Financial freedom is cherished by many, and some are taking drastic measures to get out of the red. While this is a good goal to have, you do not always have to sell your home and move to another area of the country to cut costs.

The following tips are small, easy steps that anyone can take to help lower their monthly credit card bills without feeling like they have just made a major life adjustment.

1. Slow your roll.

Impulse spending is one of the worst things that a consumer can do. Advertisers play off of a person’s drive to “have it now” and they make their products very tempting to snatch up without a second thought. However, smart consumers should make a conscious decision to cut out impulse spending by making themselves wait on unplanned purchases. If you see something that you really want to buy, tell yourself that you can get it in a day or two. In most cases, the item loses the strength of its appeal after a day and you realize that you do not need it after all.

2. Don’t be a hero in social settings.

On the weekends, after work, or whenever you get together with friends and family, credit cards can be very tempting to use. For example, when going out to eat with a large group, many people think it will be easier to put the entire bill on one credit card and just reimburse the credit card holder with cash. While this seems legitimate, it is not a good financial move. Instead of using the cash to pay the credit card bill before it develops interest, the cash is usually used for daily, frivolous expenses. Later on, the credit card bill is issued and people end up paying interest on meals that other people ate. Don’t try to save the day by waving your plastic. Instead, go ahead and divide up the bill. Pay for your meal with cash, and it will be less likely to give you financial heartburn in the future.

3. Don’t delay.

As soon as you receive your credit card bill in the mail, sit down and pay it. Most accounts carry a revolving balance that calculates interest on a daily basis. The faster you pay the bill, the less interest will build. This tactic also helps you to avoid missed payments that can damage your credit score. By staying on top of your bills, each month you can save money that would have been needlessly owed to interest payments.

4. Carry cash only.

By leaving your card in a safe place in your home, you may be able to drastically impact your monthly credit card bill. Credit cards are dangerous to shoppers who have a tendency to purchase things like groceries using their cards, because they are setting themselves up to pay interest on items that will be consumed in a week or two. By carrying cash, you will not only limit your spending to a certain dollar amount, but you will also become more aware of your spending habits.

5. Make change.

At the end of each day, most people have a small collection of change in their pockets. These nickels, pennies, quarters, dimes, and even small bills should be stored in a jar to keep them together. Each month, before credit card bills are due, take the jar to the bank and deposit the sum into your account. Then, write the check for the credit card bill. This way, you will pay an additional amount on your bill each month, and you probably won’t even feel a pinch since it was just loose change anyway.

Credit cards are great tools to have in financial emergencies, but unfortunately, many people have needlessly developed a mountain of credit card debt. If you are struggling under your debt, it is never too late to start getting out. By using these five simple tips, you can make small changes in your daily life that will translate into lower monthly credit card bills.

Author Bio: Bruno is an an experienced web entrepreneur and social media marketing consultant who is always seeking new ways learning how to make money online. At the moment his hobby is dogs and he owns several Hunderaser. His long term goal is to get his own baby.

Category: Finances
Keywords: finance,finances,economy,credit card,financial tips,lower credit card bill,advice

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