Effective Steps to Take When Your Boyfriend Does Not Love You Anymore – Make Him Love You Again

Your boyfriend told you he needed a break and that makes you feel he does not love you anymore and you want to make him love you again. First of all love does not die quickly or easily. You may not have to make your ex boyfriend love you again, just make him realize he still does. Look at your favorite chair in the living room. It is comfortable and when you want to use it, you know it will be there. You take it for granted and do not think much about the chair until one day you sit down and it is not there. You take a hard bump on the floor and wonder what happened to that chair. You miss it and want it back.

That could have been what happened to your relationship. You made yourself so available to your guy that he stared taking you for granted. Men can become easily bored because they have a hunter gene that makes them restless. He feels that he can tell you he needs a break and you will be there when he wants to come back. You want him to come back, but if you make it too easy for him, he will keep breaking up with you every time he gets restless. If you allow him to go out and have fun, date a little and come back when he pleases, he will never be completely yours.

So what do you do? You move the chair and let him have a good bump as he sits on the floor. In this case the chair is you and you have to give him a good bump to get his attention. Your ex boyfriend said he needed a break, so you should take a break too. Let him see that two can play the same game. Get some friends together and go out on the town. Be sure to look your best and stop by places he hangs out. Let him see you flirting and having a great time. He will be stunned because he thought you would be home crying over him. He will try to engage you in conversation, but keep your distance and then suddenly leave.

Your ex boyfriend will be trying to contact you, but ignore him and go on with your life. Do not answer his phone calls, emails or text messages. As far as you are concerned he does not exist. What you are doing is taking that comfortable chair away from him and making him sit on the floor. The longer he is without you, the more he will miss you. He is getting more of a break than he wanted and he does not like it. Of course, you cannot let this go on forever if you want him back. So arrange to run into him at the mall.

Act surprised to see him and tell him you have been meaning to call him because he left some things at your place. Tell him you knew that he would feel awkward coming to your place for them, so you took them to your girlfriends and she will be bring them to him. By saying that you have pulled the chair out from under him and he has landed with a thud. He will feel he has lost you and realize how much he loves you. Your ex boyfriend will be begging you to take him back and promising to never need a break again.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: boyfriend doesn\’t love you anymore,steps to make him love you again,he doesn\’t want me anymore

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