Make Savings on Office Supplies

Where you buy your office supplies can amount to a big difference in how much you pay. If you don’t have a particular system and just buy items on an ad-hoc basis then you are guaranteed to be losing money. Why not compile all your supply needs together and find a company who can provide everything you need at much lower prices?

If you buy online then your job is a lot easier, you simply go to one website, drop anything you need into your shopping basket and whip out your credit card, it couldn’t be any easier. Set up an account with them and the whole process is even quicker.

You may think you don’t actually spend that much on materials and office products, but start to add it all up, and you’ll see it all amounts to a considerable figure, buy a few items here and there at the local store or save money and time and buy in bulk online. Pens, staples, paper, and cleaning products don’t cost a lot individually but put them all together and your budget is suddenly blown.

Choosing to buy your products online means you can get them at wholesale prices. These prices can be considerably lower than the retail stores, so unless you have money to throw away you really should be looking into changing your buying habits.

If you can afford it and have the space then you’ll save money in the long run by buying in bulk, items such as pens, : latex gloves, and food service supplies are always needed so you know they will be used eventually. Also get your staff to have some responsibility for the amount of supplies they use, if they just see an endless supply of items they can help themselves to when they wish then they won’t look after them and this will cost the business money.

Monitor your stock so you can see what goes in and what comes out, you can have the person asking for the items to sign so you can identify who is using the most and why, or give the department a budget and once it is used up they have to wait until the next period before they can get further items. This will prevent staff from simply discarding items without any thought, or using them carelessly.

Start a : recycling program within the company to encourage everyone to use their stationary carefully, and heighten their awareness of how much waste is created every day. Place bins for used and empty cartridges in the workplace and other plastic items, you can get money from sending your cartridges off to companies who recycle them so it’s definitely worth your while to do this.

Keeping your stock room organized and in order will ensure you use up the items you bought first, this is especially important for batteries which can leak, and ink cartridges as they can dry out over time. Take a stock check regularly as you may find you have far too many of a particular item as no-one really uses it, in this case you can stop ordering any more until the stock is running low.

If you are not happy with your office suppliers then there is no need to continue doing business with them. There are plenty of office and paper suppliers online who will be more than happy to fulfill all your office supply needs.

If you are looking for a solution to reduce your budget then there are e-commerce companies that can cater to both business and non-business clients. A normal workday is busy enough without having to worry about whether there are enough paper towels in the staff breakroom, or who is going to run down to the store to stock up on floor cleaner! These companies offer easy-to-use websites where you can buy all the supplies needed and proceed to check-out. They then ship your order within 24 hours directly to your door.

Author Bio: Michiel Van Kets writes for Supply Ways, one of the best paper suppliers and retailer providing office and business products such as latex gloves. You have come to the right place if you are looking for wholesale masking tape, 3M tapes and more.

Category: Business
Keywords: latex gloves, paper suppliers, wholesale masking tape

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