How To Be Impressive To Girls

In ancient days, men used bravery to impress girls. The savages will bring home the scalps of slain enemies. In the mythical world, they slay dragons. This is understandable because instinctively, they want to show their women that they can protect their loved ones.

However, in this modern world, these ancient methods of bravery to impress women have evolved to being confident. As we are no longer savages, a confident man exudes an aura of bravery which women find impressive. A confident man can make wise, firm and calculated decisions. He gets things done and goes far in society and of course he gets the women. The good thing is that confidence can be learnt and mastered.

So therefore if you are confident or able to project the image of a confident man, you will not need to act or be like someone else to impress the girls. This is because the real skill of having good impression with women lies in the fact that girls are turned off by guys who seem fake and unoriginal.

Just be your confident self is the most impressive male attribute in having good impressions with girls. This is because most men tend to act or behave like someone else just in order to impress women and girls know that and they are not impressed at all. So you need to be as original as possible in order to impress girls. Because by being yourself, you are showing that you are very comfortable with yourself and is confident about it and that to the girls is bravery.

So the secret to impressing women is don’t try to impress. Yes, I know that some of you will wonder how this is going to work. Well, it is just simply that most guys when trying to impress girls tend to become more unauthentic, unnatural and they also tend to show off. Guys, women are not impressed by such tactics and most of them will be turned off and even label you under “fake” or “show off” category mentally.

If like most guys, you think that girls are impressed by money and material possesions, then you are very badly mistaken. If the girls you are with are impressed by your money then they are probably going for your money and not you. So do you really want to impress those types of girls and become broke? You will want women to respect you for who you are and not for what you have, don’t you?

Do take notice that most girls, especially the better looking ones get passes by men everyday and almost all these guys try to impress them with what they have and if you are doing the same thing, then what makes you stand out from the crowd?

So be confident about yourself and show your natural talent and natural self and the girls will know it and be utterly impressed with you because you are so unlike all those stereotypes who think that girls are impressed with only material possessions.

So go and read up widely so that you can hold intelligent conversations on a wide range of subjects confidently and you will certainly be very impressive with the girls.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Be Impressive To Women and Human Pheromone Sex Appeal

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to impress women, impressive with girls, confident man

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