Registered Nurses Can Do it All
Registered nurse is a fantastic career path and one that most little girls, at least in my generation, aspired. It takes effort, dedication and work to reach the level of registered nurse. To qualify for an accredited nursing school, one must have a high school diploma or GED. If you successfully passed a Licensed Practical Nurse or Licensed Practical Vocational Nurse program, you will qualify for an LPN/LPVN to RN or LPN/LPVN to Bachelor of Science degree program at most accredited nursing schools. After obtaining your degree, you will be required to take the applicable licensing exams. Most employers hiring graduates right out of school do so with the stipulation your become licensed within a certain time frame.
Most nursing school programs are 4 years and include practical, hands on clinical experience in a hospital, nursing home or other health care facility. All participants are supervised by a nursing instructor, registered nurse or physician and it helps a great deal in preparing for any state or national licensing exams required. The clinical part of the program will allow students to see up close and personal the field of nursing they wish to pursue. It will also introduce them to an area that strikes a chord with them.
Upon graduation and receiving your bachelor of science in nursing, it is time to find a job and begin the pursuit of your career. Most schools will assist graduates in finding a job by holding job fairs or inviting medical facilities to their campus for the purpose of interviewing students to hire. While in high school or nursing school, you may have worked at a health care facility as an aid or assistant. If you were a respectable worker, you might be considered a potential, valuable future employee upon graduation. That is certainly an avenue worth checking out. You might still have to fill out the required application and go through the necessary interview process, but the process will be much easier as they already know you, know your work ethic and you already have a grasp on the manner in which they work. That puts you steps ahead on the learning curve than anyone else coming in cold.
Registered nurses are not just working in hospitals or nursing homes. For the adventurous minded individual, a career in the military and nursing might be a perfect fit for you. There will always be military personal all over the world, and they will still need medical care. There will always be conflicts between countries with differing ideologies and the medical staff, including registered nurses, will be called in to tend the wounded.
Registered nurses are found in schools, on the sidelines at sporting events, on the staff of vacation planning companies as well as children’s day camps, on staff at insurance companies and visiting nurse associations. Registered nurses are of profound importance to the medical profession. They are often the main cogs in the medical wheel and provide an invaluable service to all they serve.
Registered nurses may decide to further their education for the purpose of teaching or becoming a nursing administrator, both fields which require a certain level of education and experience.
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Category: Career
Keywords: CNA Certification, CNA Training