Weight Loss For Teens

Youth obesity is becoming a menace in many parts of the world. If you take a look around you will see many teenagers who are bulkier and flabbier than what they should be at their age. And sometimes teens have no idea why and how they are becoming fat. Sometimes weight loss becomes a trauma in case they do not receive proper guidance.

As a parent, it is your duty to ensure that teenage obesity is nothing to be scared of and weight loss is very much possible. This is really essential because teenagers are really conscious about their looks and they might take hasty and harmful steps to get in shape.

Both parents and teens need to first understand the underlying causes behind teenage weight gain.

Puberty causes teens to gain weight as well as height. Hormonal actions lead to increase in weight and imbalance in hormones can cause unusual weight gain.

Genetic influences can also cause a young person to be affected by obesity.

Teens are rarely careful about what they eat. Chips, burgers, colas, pizzas and French fries are certainly their top picks and also propel them towards obesity.

Having a sedentary lifestyle does not help the cause either. Teens spend hours in front of the PC playing games or using the internet. Very low activity level causes them to get fat.

So, what is the remedy? As a parent, you must push your son or daughter towards exercise. Exercise is the best way to lose weight and improve health-levels as well. But it is also important to remember that spot reductions don’t work too well. This means that only exercising abs to flatten them might not cause weight loss. So, the proper way to go about it starts with burning calories. Fat loss and weight reduction will soon follow suit.

Exercise for teens

Activities such as cycling, swimming, skating, dancing, running and sports such as football and basketball.

Putting the body in motion as much as possible. Small steps such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling to school, doing household chores can make a positive impact on teenage lifestyle. You should also encourage family outings as this might wean your teen away from the PC.

Should be regular activity of moderate intensity. Teens are not usually strong enough to do rigorous exercise and particularly if they are out of shape. Moderate physical activity provides the perfect platform for more detailed exercise in due course of time.

Should involve a personal trainer. A trained professional can guide your teen towards fitness, better than anyone. It might also be a good idea to give your teen a gym membership. Many trainers specialize in training teenagers and you might think of hiring one of them.

Must be backed up by proper diet. Make sure that your teenager’s diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and juices. Fast food should be allowed in your house occasionally.

If your teen is showing signs of obesity, it is time to act now. Be a smart parent and help your teen tackle the problem wisely!

Author Bio: Teen weight can be a delicate thing so talk to this personal trainer Upland when deciding your best workout plan. Also look into his Upland boot camp which has helped a lot of people get into shape.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: teen workout, teenage workout, teen exercise, teen health, youth exercise, youth workout

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