Days of the Domestic Wholesale Price of Diesel Rose

International crude oil prices rose in the stimulation of several days, the domestic wholesale price of diesel have been soaring in recent days.

Shanghai, a wholesaler told the “First Financial Daily”, the wholesale price of their companies more than 6800 yuan of foreign diesel / ton, compared to last week, rose 100 yuan.

The price of diesel fuel in Guangxi region can be seen in full swing in the rally. August 3, 4 and 5, in both oil and petrochemical companies in the prices of 20 yuan, respectively, 50 yuan and 100 yuan / ton, the market wholesale price from 7 at the end of 6650 yuan / ton, quickly pushed high to 6860 yuan / ton.

Reporter also noted that on August 3 to 5 between the 15 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) had different levels of diesel price increase, in the range of 20 yuan per ton to 100 per month, with the New York Mercantile Exchange The recent price surge in line with the movement of crude oil futures.

Crude oil prices rise phase, the bidding is usually good time to wholesale businesses. The wholesale market there is a “do not buy or buy up” mentality. Many power plants and commercial customers worried that wholesale prices will continue to rise, they will purchase. And now comes in August heat, the demand for gas stations are more prosperous. If crude oil prices in the next market rise again, then Sinopec, CNPC will strictly control the number of external wholesale. So, even if the price of diesel compared to the previous high of some, now others are willing to accept higher wholesale price gradually. China Chemical Network analyst Wang Min told this newspaper yesterday, the state-owned oil companies in Fujian of individual parts of the “stop granting Zero,” the.

Analysts said crude oil price assumption in 1-2 weeks time in 80 U.S. dollars / barrel, then the average price of China’s three oil changes in the rate on fluctuations within 4%, but if it continues upside may be left NDRC raised the price of oil would be near.

Golden State Securities [14.60 -0.95%] Bo researchers a clearer view of some: “The future price of crude oil will continue to estimate firmed up domestic gasoline and diesel prices the fastest time, perhaps in the end.”

To prove its claims, and is the rate of change of three crude oil average price trend is the rapid recovery.

Yesterday, according to statistics, three consecutive 22 working days of crude oil average price change rate to -1.9%, while the average price on July 29 about the rate of change is still -4.05%. “The rate of change in China Development and Reform Commission and the statistical formula may be slightly different, but will not be too. Assumed the rate of change to statistics up to the ‘5%’, then price adjustment will not be long now.” Bo said.

And 7 at the end of this year, early in July, many analysts think the Government should lower oil prices, but the NDRC did not transfer, also shows that the oil kind of NDRC pricing formula, the stare of the crude oil futures might be a good species (the better the oil at the higher futures prices). Thus, when the NDRC formula to “4%” may the number of institutions not to. Well, the time oil prices rise, they may be greater than the outside world a little earlier forecast.

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