The United States Wishing To Become Gasoline Exhaust Of Greenhouse Gases

According to the U.S. “New York Times” reported that the U.S. Los – Alamos National Laboratory scientist Jeffrey 2 – Martin and Gubik (William L. Kubic Jr.) Is a proposal – the “green freedom ( Green Freedom) “, is to remove carbon from the atmosphere, and it turned into gasoline. Both of these proposals, if scientists are right, people can now open from 50-year gasoline-powered cars, and vehicle emissions of carbon dioxide will not cause global warming.

This proposal is very simple in the air blown into the potassium carbonate solution, it can absorb carbon dioxide in the air. After the carbon dioxide extracted by the chemical reaction it into fuel: methanol, gasoline or jet fuel. This process can affect the climate change pollutants harmful carbon dioxide into enormous renewable fuels. This closed loop allows removal of carbon dioxide emissions and the number of equal, which means that the use of synthetic fuels in cars, trucks and aircraft will no longer cause global warming.

Although they have not built such a comprehensive fuel processing plants, and even a small sample did not do it, but Both of these scientists say, this all based on current technology, there is no technical difficulties. Dr. Martin said: “This notion that all things have been completed or are running a similar system in operation.” The proposal does not violate any physics and other scientific laws, like the University of Southern California winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Aura (George A. Olah), and professor of physics at Columbia University’s Earth Racle (Klaus Lackner) were all independently made similar recommendations. Dr. Martin said he and have to build their concepts more specific than previously detailed.

However, the biggest warning is the reason why no one has changed the construction of a carbon dioxide gas plants, because this in itself requires enormous energy. To solve this problem, Martin said they have developed a number of innovative technology, including electrical chemical separation of carbon dioxide in the Chuligongyi, this is Eryanghuatan Pi potassium carbonate solution Xishou before Jin Xing. This process has been in the garage Gubik a variant of Tapper as simple household plastic products, instruments were tested.

Scientists say that even with these innovations, one day produce 750,000 gallons of gasoline required for commercial scale production of fuel energy should have a dedicated power plant to supply the best is a nuclear power plant. According to their analysis, the concept of their construction costs required for approximately 50 亿 dollars, to produce gasoline for the processing costs of 1.4 U.S. dollars a gallon that gasoline may cost 4.6 U.S. dollars a gallon, Baokuo the project costs and to allow gas transported to Users in the hands of other expenses. The two scientists say that some additional improvement in technology, its balance of price could be reduced to 3.4 U.S. dollars a gallon.

Martin and their “Green Freedom” concept, published in the Florida Buna? Vista Lake Wednesday for better energy at the modern conference. Within a year they plan to create a simple model templates, in 2 years to produce a larger bit of prototype patterns. Scientists said that this production method does not need nuclear reactors that can use solar energy to perform the same chemical process, but this cost-effective than nuclear power.

Efforts to reduce human carbon dioxide emissions, it has focused on large-scale Gudingziyuan Shang such as nuclear power wind and solar energy, Ta Men no emissions. Another strategy is to reduce emissions of carbon capture and storage, will it become a fossil fuel, so carbon dioxide will not affect the climate. However, the fixed atmospheric carbon dioxide on car emissions of carbon dioxide does not work these mobile, and nuclear and solar cars seem to see is not available or something.

In addition, scientists also proposed three solutions: hydrogen fuel cells, electric vehicles and biofuels. Bio-fuel substitute for gasoline, and “green freedom” idea about. Production of bio-fuels plant growth absorbs carbon dioxide, can balance their carbon dioxide when burned. Hydrogen-powered vehicles do not emit carbon dioxide, but the decomposition of water, producing hydrogen requires a lot of energy. If the energy comes from thermal power plants, the problem is still unresolved. Moreover, the hydrogen harder than natural gas storage and transport. Electric cars not only run very far, and also increase the carbon dioxide problem. However, gasoline is almost an ideal fuel, not only easy to transport, fuel efficiency is also higher than most. If it’s carbon dioxide from the air and processed, then no reason not to adopt their ideas of Martin.

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