Your Ex Boyfriend – Make Him Chase You Again and Pull Him Back Into Your Arms

When a breakup happens and you feel you may have lost the love of your life forever, it is normal to want to get him back. Whether you succeed in getting your ex back or not will usually depend on the way you approach the situation. Your instincts will tell you to act fast because he will forget you and find someone else. You have also seen movies where the woman goes after the man and tells him she is not going to stand for his actions. He then takes her in his arms and they live happily ever after.

This is not the way your ex boyfriend will look at it. If you go chasing after him, telling him he has made a big mistake and you will not stand for it, he will pull farther away from you. This is not the movies, it is real life and you have to take real life action. But, in your present emotional state you should not be doing anything. Let things settle down a little and then make your move.

While you are getting yourself back as close to normal as possible, you will be getting plenty of advice from family and friends. They will be on your side and tell you to let him go and find someone that appreciates you. This is not what you want to do, but their advice is not that far off. You do have to let him go, not forever, but just for a few weeks. You have to stay away from your ex and make him chase you again and you can pull him back into your arms.

Remember back to when you first met your ex boyfriend. Who did the chasing? He did and that is the way he feels it should be. The man does the chasing and the woman plays hard to get. This has been happening since cave man days, when the guy chased the woman, hit her on the head with a club and dragged her back to his cave. We are a little more sophisticated now, but the guy still feels he should be the chaser.

That is why chasing your ex boyfriend turns him off, you are taking his role. But you might ask, how do I make him chase me when he is the one that did the breaking up. The same way you did when you first met him. You attract him to you, play hard to get and he will come running to you. This might sound too easy, but it is not. It is just making a man do what he likes best. All men love a challenge, in fact that might be the reason he broke up with you. You became too available and he got bored.

To make him feel challenged again, you have to make him think he is losing you. First you have to stop chasing him or having any contact with him at all. After a couple of weeks out of his sight, get dressed desirable and gorgeous. Get some friends together and go out hunting your ex boyfriend. Stop by the places he hangs out and let him get a good look at you. Do a little flirting with other guys and then leave. You will be showing that you are no longer his and this will light his competitive fire and he will be chasing you again.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships

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