Breaking 300 Million Internet Users in the Floor in Internet Marketing

“No I do not understand that this world is changing fast!” This old lyrics, may be more applicable to present the Internet age. Whether you understand, accept do not accept the power of the network is all-pervasive infiltration quietly and profoundly affect the future life. According to statistics, a breakthrough early this year, 300 million Chinese Internet users, surpassing the U.S. as the world’s Internet users than any other country, but being 800 million to 900 million a month pace.

Other sources of domestic advertising market last year grew by only 17%, while the performance of online advertising has soared by 42%, its strong growth momentum can be described as unique, far beyond traditional media. As networks increasingly play a huge power companies began increasing emphasis on the role of network marketing. Website construction, PPC, e-commerce …… network in the raging tide from the floor test the water companies have also joined the army, hoping to find a new network opportunities for the Nuggets. But as a new marketing approach, and many network marketing business only a full understanding of network marketing in a rapidly changing field, the floor seems to have not done business network marketing getting better?

Into 2009, cost control as the main theme of business. Most enterprises in developing this plan, marketing, administrative costs and other expenses were curtailed. How to better cost savings, it is a building materials company CEOs each need to examine the issue. Enterprises want to reduce the marketing budget, enterprises pay more attention to marketing effectiveness off than before.

Financial crisis reinforced the concept of corporate thrift, investment in advertising and marketing costs on a more cautious. Compared to other media advertising, Internet advertising has a low-cost, interactive and high precision of the advantages. By traffic, clickthrough rate, ranking the online advertising pricing model, although some defects, not really perfect now mature, but in order to effect the Dao Xiang and development trends of online advertising, it seems easier to get most enterprises.

There flooring business owner, said increasing Internet marketing investment, innovation and Internet marketing tactics and Internet Marketing ‘combination punches’ are then not only can effectively control the marketing costs, but also in shaping the brand will be even better performance. Well-known research firm iResearch Consulting’s survey data also confirm that, in 2009, said online advertising forecast, this year’s 45.5 percent corporate efforts to contact your ads, 45% of enterprises will maintain the network marketing Feiyong Dati marketing expenses accounted for the overall proportion of The building materials such as paint and other enterprises, but also in the overall marketing campaign, increase the share of investment in network marketing.

Dissemination of information network platform breadth and depth unmatched by other media. More importantly, the network is not just the media, and provide brand promotion, product promotion support, the same time represents a rapid rise of new channels to Buying Online, B2B Internet sales model, represented by purchases, beginning with the distribution agent and building materials stores, trade shows and other traditional channels formed Dingli trend, so many small flooring company with limited funds have tasted the sweetness of low cost marketing. Network is an interactive platform for consumers to establish a bridge with the brand and become the new corporate customer relationship management tools. It gives consumers the convenience of not only information but also led to changes in consumption patterns. More and more white-collar workers and young urban family, like the network to understand and master the information about the brand, the negative reports, and users will be more concerned about the complaints. Floor of such building materials products, although the proportion of online orders directly to small, but convenient network has more about the brand choice of consumers.

For beautiful eyes gradually Network Marketing

In the ever-changing face of the guise of network marketing, business marketing seems to be lagging behind the pace of a length.

The current floor network marketing industry, may only remain in the ‘primary universal stage’, the network marketing concept and operation of the level is still lagging behind. Many enterprises have either a very narrow understanding of network marketing, or network marketing as a complementary marketing insignificant. In the end choose what website marketing, network marketing loan which, ultimately should be based on different marketing companies to set goals.

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Category: Business
Keywords: tapping screw,fire fighting nozzles,welding gloves,

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