How to Sing and Catch Everyone’s Attention!

Singing is not just opening your mouth and that’s it. Don’t you just open your mouth and do it? There’s a right way and there there is a wrong way to sing. Or perhaps, we can put it like this, there’s a healthy and sustainable way and there is the opposite – the unhealthy and potentially harmful ways.

Take Care of Yourself and Your Voice

Whether you dream of having a professional career in music or are a purely recreational singer, you want your voice to sound as good as it can and to last your lifetime. You should keep yourself physically fit and in good overall health in order to best preserve your voice. For you to do this, follow a healthy diet, take enough sleep, and do moderate exercises. Also at all cost, don’t do illegal drugs, avoid smoking, and excessive use of alcohol.

In public image, those hard-partying rock star is most often than not, is not real. Many of the recording artists of today who are enjoying great singing careers have always taken good care of themselves. Maybe because they want to avoid the faith of those talents who abused their body like Janis Joplin, Jim MOrrison and Elvis Prestley.

If you want to be a serious singer, whether professional or recreational, you’ll need some training on how to sing. Aspiring professionals like nurses, engineers and accountants must got to school to pursue their chosen occupation. You can either use an online singing course or find a local teacher and take lessons. Singing is Easy by Yvonne DebBandi or Singorama by Emily Mander are two example of online singing course.

You need to learn how your vocal apparatus works and how to use it, and also avoid or deal any voice problems regardless of which method you choose. Remember that learning how to sing can be fun and exciting with the right teacher or program you got.

Your posture and breath support are the first things that any good teacher or online course should address. This will allow production of the best vocal tone. The best singing posture is to stand erect but relaxed, with your feet about hip-width apart and one slightly forward. For shoulders, it should be in back and the chest high but it does not the same as a soldier standing at attention. Not that rigid but a little relaxed.

Here is an easy exercise to help you achieve good singing posture. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Bring your arms in a rapid circular motion across your body and over your head, rising onto your tiptoes at the same time while taking in a good, deep breath.

Bring your arms down to your side and let it come down to your toes. This should come natural as you start to exhale. As you exhale and bring your arms down, try to keep your chest and shoulders in the same position they were in at the top of your stretch.

Without straining your throat, breath support enabled you to produce a pleasant tone. When you inhale to sing, you should feel expansion all around your midsection. Your diaphragm, abdominal, and spinal muscles should all be working together. During this time your abdominal and spinal muscles should all be working together as well as your diaphragm.

Breath out on a hissing sound once you have taken a good breath and try to maintain the expansion of your midsetion. It will take some time and effort to strengthen those muscles, but ultimately you will learn to sing in a healthy manner, with better tone and less vocal fatigue.

Posture and breath support are only the foundation of how to sing well. Tone placement and quality is the next level. There are three primary areas where our vocal tone resonates: the chest, the pharynx (mouth and throat), and the head (sinuses). For lower notes, you use your “Cheast voice” and you use your “head voice” for higher notes.

In most cases, you will want to use what voice teachers call a “mixed tone”, with the sound coming from both the pharynx and the head. The combination is called mask resonance, because you want to feel the sound vibrations in the area that would be covered by a half-face Halloween mask.

With this simple exercise, you can feel the mask resonance. Tale a full deep, supported breath. Starting on a high note with the syllable “hoo” or “hee”, slide from the top of your range down to the bottom. It should feel a bit like yawning, and you should feel vibration in the soft palate (roof of your mouth) and in the triangle between your eyes and the bridge of your nose.

Mastering these basics is the first step in learning how to sing. It will take time, effort, and practice, but if you work patiently and consistently, you will see results.

Author Bio: Discover the best and fastest way to learn how to sing, or hit those high notes very easily! Check out now!

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: sing, music, how to sing, how to sing better

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