The Later You Sleep, The Sooner You Die

Sleep late at night is the cause of short life because it weakens the body, like the machine that works overload so it finally breaks down. Those who always get to bed late absolutely encounter the health issues as below.

1. Your body gets weak due to the insufficient sleep
2. Your body system works improperly.

1) Digestive System: The improper function of digestive system can bring about flatulence and rough stools. When you sleep late, the stools will become rough and hard as your body cannot well digest due to weakness. And if this problem still continually occurs, you possibly face hemorrhoid. So to avoid this symptom, reduce the amount of meat and sticky stuff or your intestines will need to work so hard. Though you are sleeping, the digestive system is still working, so you feel tired after waking up. The best way is to take eggs and milk instead of meat. But if you are fat, you may consider only milk.

Types of Constipation

1. Hard constipation or hard stools
2. Loose constipation or the condition when stools are still stuck due to the weakness of intestines and stomach

Gaining insufficient sleep, during the day you may excrete many times. The consequence is itchiness around the groin. Normally, stools are half hard and loose. But if they are hard, it means that the liquid has absorbed back in intestines which, in fact, should be dispelled out. It then causes the disorder of lymph which will be shown on the groin of itchiness condition. As constipation is the main cause, the best way is not to sleep late. Or if it is a must, you should do stomach exercise so the stomach has energy and power to eliminate stools. Also, after finish your meal, do not immediately get to bed but walk about 30 minutes. When you walk, your intestines work as well. Therefore, they can digest food better, you can encounter constipation lesser, and you can see the disappearance of itchiness. However, if the symptoms still occur, you then should drink a glass of fresh ginger juice.

2) Respiratory System: When you get sleep late, the respiratory system consequently gets effect. Regularly, the body needs humidity to convert venous blood to be arterial blood. If humidity is less like when you are in the air conditioning room, you’ll feel uncomfortable and cannot breathe well. The solution is to place a jar of warm or hot water beside you or place your feet higher than the head level with a cloth or pillow supporting, so the blood can better flow and help you sleep comfortably. Take sweet drink is also helpful but note not to take the one that is too sweet or it causes your obesity. The greatest way is not to sleep late. Normally, people who sleep late at night surely face dry voice and skin. Always take warm water and use baby soap to cleanse your body as it is mild and maintains skin oil to protect skin from dryness.

3) Urine System: If you go to bed around 9-10 pm, you’ll urinate only once after waking up. But it’ll be many times if you sleep late as the body works overload. It then needs lots of water to support inner muscles for releasing energy. The consequent is the frequent urinate. And this brings about the loss of minerals, but you may treat this condition by taking more calcium capsules. However, note not to take more than one capsule a day or the over dose can cause calcium accumulation, that is, the condition when the bone presses down the nerve. But if you lack of enough calcium, you can encounter anemia. By the way, to avoid frequent urinate, some may choose to drink water less but this is the wrong concept as uric acid will become concentrated. When you hold your urinate, it then will absorb to the blood veins which consequently causes the disorder of lymph. What worse is it affects the perspiration system. And if you cannot dispel out sweat, the heat and wastes in your body are stuck so that you feel uncomfortable and you may experience skin disorder like acne and blemishes.

In conclusion, you can see that the late sleep can cause many health problems, so it is so much better to get to bed early and always take healthy food as well with regular exercise.

Author Bio: Stherb Cosmetics Internatinal Co., Ltd. (Professional Beauty Breast Care, Facial Care & Men Care Herbal Products) We are Pioneer and Leader in The Professional beauty breast enlargement and enhancement products. St.herb is 10 year Trusted Brand and has more then 10000 Satisfied Customers. please visit at Stherb Cosmetics Internatinal

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: sleep late,hard stools,constipation,obesity,skin dryness

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