How to Make Money With Pre-Sell Pages

If you look everywhere on the internet, you will see that pre-sell pages are essential to having success with marketing online. In online marketing, it sets the stage for the customer and gets them ready to really buy when they reach your website. In this article, I’m going to just give you the basics on what you need to cover.

What is a pre-sell?

A pre-sell is an article that warms the visitor up to the product that you are recommending. The idea is not to hard sell the product, but rather to come across as a satisfied customer who is writing a genuine, positive review. Pre-Sell pages range from 100-2000 words in length, generally the longer the better. 500-1000 words is generally just enough!

Is a pre-sell like a review?

Kinda, sorta! The difference between a pre-sell and a review page, is that the review pages generally include several products in some kind of head-to-head comparison. A pre-sell is one page that explains what you think about ONE PRODUCT. A pre-sell will explain whether the product works, who the product is best for and the pros and cons. Make sure to bear this in mind!

But before we start, first of all, make sure that you do it right! In a nutshell, here’s what you want to do:

1. Find a popular information product. Whether it be from Clickbank, Commission Junction or any other source. IMPORTANT: PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU LIKE THE PRODUCT! THIS THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU CAN EFFECTIVELY DESCRIBE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!

2. Create a bonus that adds value to the product. REAL VALUE!

3. Write a pre-sell, the right way, which we’ll cover below.

4. Buy Adwords clicks on the product’s brand name only!

Now that we have that down, let’s learn how to here are the areas to tackle in order to make a great pre-sell page:

1. Who are you (as it relates to the product)? Make yourself sound like an authority. How long have you marketed for the product? How much success have you had? What are your areas of expertise? Just build some authority so that you’re taken seriously.

2. What convinced you to buy?

3. What happened when you bought the product? What was your first impression? Slowly, start to sing the product’s praises. But make sure to talk mildly negative about the product. You were a cynic, but now you’re starting to come around!

4. Results- If you had good results, then say so! Explain in detail how the results came and which features about the product you liked the most. Gradually become more excited by staying somewhat neutral about the product, then state why it was so great!

5. Raise a seed of doubt- Yes the product was great but…..

6. Introduce your bonus and spend a paragraph hard-selling your bonus for anyone who buys via your link. Your bonus solves whatever the product is lacking. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

7. Use a call to action. Make sure that you explain that they need to buy via your link to get the bonus. Hard sell the bonus and explain that they really need the product and the bonus for 2 or 3 reasons. MAKE SURE TO EMPHASIZE THE BENEFITS OF THE PRODUCT!

Author Bio: If you enjoyed this article, please visit MaverickMoneyMakersAz You’ll find that this exclusive club can give you the cutting edge, 21st Century tools needed to be REALLY successful on the Internet. I owe my whole online success to this powerful club of online marketing professionals

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