Direct Sales Business – 4 Ways to Save Time

Feeling bad because you don’t spend enough time in your business? As a woman, we get pulled in all directions. There’s never enough of you to go around. Here’s 5 ways you can save time, valuable time you can invest in your direct sales business.

#1 Delegate

This is a hard one because it will always be true that you can do it better yourself. But there is something it took me a long time to realize – the ones that love me really want to help. If I let them everyone is happier. Make a list of tasks that you don’t require “you”. That means tasks that others know how to do, or could easily learn.

Next to the task, note how you could delegate. Examples could be having a family member do the vacuuming, or the dishes. Maybe your spouse could pay the bills. Look at all the things you do in a week. The list is long, I am sure. If you can assign tasks to others, you can free up time. Just be sure that before you assign the task, you get the agreement of the person. Making sure they are willing to help is the first step. You will be surprised at how willing others can be when given a chance to take some of the burden off of you.

#2 Streamline

Doing each task separately takes more overall time than doing them in bunches. Women tend to be good at this batching tasks, so tap into that skill. If you are driving to the market, find everything you can do on the way there and on the way home. Plan to do them in a sequence so you don’t have to do any back tracking. Efficiency will pay off.

#3 Compartmentalize

When you work keep your focus on business, not other distractions. One way to allow yourself to do this, is to have other activities planned in their own time slots. Don’t feel as if you are ignoring your friends and family. Just schedule this outside of the hours you have planned for work. I started planning every Thursday afternoon to have coffee with a friend. Each week it was someone different. That allowed me to see friends and still devote plenty of time to my business. When I got a call “Let’s go for coffee”, I could reply — “Sounds great. I am free Thursday afternoon.”

Same for other activities. If you are going to do some food preparation on Saturday morning, then also do laundry, water the plants, pay a couple of bills. Make a list in advance of everything you can do. Randomly doing activities takes more time than compartmentalizing similar activities and doing them all at once.

#4 Prioritize

One key to saving time is eliminating tasks that you really can ignore. Everything doesn’t have to be done this week. Some things just aren’t mandatory.

Make a list of the things you think you have to do this week and mark off the ones that really can wait. In the time you would have spent doing them, you can put in some extra work on your business. You’ll be surprised how much time this can open up.


I am sure you can think of other ways to save time. Valuable time for your business can equal more profits and success. Try these 4 ways to get started. It will really make a difference.

Author Bio: Debbie McNeely is an author of other articles showing women more effective ways to create income in direct sales while still maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Get your free copy of “Intuition Counts in MLM: A Plan By Women For Women” right now. Go to: Best MLM For Women

Category: Business
Keywords: MLM for women,direct sales,save time in business,balanced lifestyle

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