Tiger Poaching – Let us Put an End to It

Man has always been a selfish being putting his own interests before any other thing on this planet. And in this rat race for more money and success, we have destroyed Mother Nature beyond measure and to the point of no return. In spite of suffering from its consequences, man still goes forward and continues to destroy his habitat. As if this was not enough, we have also begun to poach tigers which are fast becoming extinct from the face of the world. Let us today take a pledge that we will try to preserve the very few tigers that are left in this world and give these royal animals a safe place to live.

The tiger is regularly being poached in many countries for its various body parts like the skin, organs, pelts and bones; there are poachers who even kill the animal for its penis. In spite of the animal being listed in the Critical endangered species classification, there are no active steps that are taken by the government or legal bodies to ensure that the tigers are being protected from the poachers. This royal and majestic animal continues to be hunted as a sport, in the name of fear or for simple greed for money.

Tiger poaching is most rampant in the Asian countries where the demand for its body parts is at the highest. Except the tiger skin which is most sought after in the European and Western market. Many consider it a matter of prestige to own one of these pieces and would go to great lengths spending any amount of money to acquire one. This only encourages the poachers to hunt these animals all the more. Most often, the forest officials are bribed to close their eyes to such events which are the main reason why poaching activities are in full swing even now.

Instead of being more aware of the situation with higher education standards and development of global communications network, the poaching network has only got stronger. This activity continues despite widespread protests from the public and also after conducting numerous awareness programs. In the name of beauty and medicine, we continue to harm and kill these precious animals who are one of the most majestic of all God’s creations. There are very few tigers left on our planet and it is up to each and every one of us to ensure that the tiger is not wiped out from the face of our Earth. Let us join hands and exhort the government to take appropriate steps to make sure that no more tigers are killed in the name of ignorance, greed or selfish motives by man.

The government and forest departments must make stricter laws which will bring the perpetrators out in the open and the legal bodies must also make sure that the penalties are levied so that nobody dares to kill any endangered animal again including the tiger. People should be made aware of the Wildlife protection act through awareness programs which can be held through the various media networks. The tribals should also be educated about the disadvantages of killing the tigers as these are the people who indulge in this activity the most because of their knowledge of the forests.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Tiger Images, Tiger Graphics or Tiger Pictures.

Category: Society
Keywords: Tiger, conservation, extinction, natural habitat, diminishing habitat

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