Tips To Gain Muscle And Lose Fat While Losing Weight

With the American public currently having an epidemic of obesity rate of about sixty million individuals, and with females especially affected, many people are desperately seeking a solution to this problem. There are a variety of solutions though, including the tried and true diet industry that is ready and willing to help with the problem. However, many people have tried and failed at numerous plans and programs and are ready to “throw in the towel”. In this short article I hope to offer a different solution that might be something everyone could give a try.

Begin by seeing your doctor and determine if you are fit for a weight loss and exercise program.

It is a well known fact that diet changes alone will not help much. It has been recently determined by health experts that women have to exercise 6 days a week for one hour a day to just keep from gaining weight. And I mean by walking or using an elliptical machine for an hour a day. According to an article by Nanci Hellmich, of USA Today “Normal-weight women who want to prevent weight gain as they age need to do an hour a day of moderate-intensity physical activity such as brisk walking, …” see USA Today Walking: An hour a day keeps the weight away 3/23/2010

Now for the Tips:

1. Begin a walking program right away. Get a good pair of shoes and start walking. You may want to add a pair of hand weights too.

2. Make a commitment to change your diet. Begin a fat burning diet program. What is this you ask? A fat burning diet is a diet that consists of higher protein intake and low fat intake while taking in more complex carbohydrates.Do some detailed research into this type of program and then stick to it. Fat loss is the idea behind this.

3. Enroll in a gym to get the maximum benefits of a weight training program. If you can’t afford a gym, go to the internet or a bookstore and get some information on using free weights at home.

This is very easy to do and the rewards are significant for weight loss and fat loss.

4. Make a daily commitment to yourself that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE you are making, not a simple temporary change. From this point forward you are a…fat burning machine, a person who eats to burn fat, who exercises to build muscle and who walks to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. You can never go back to the other way of living. This is the new you.

This is perhaps the hardest part that many of us face. We may want to change, but the road gets…well, sloggy. People sabotage us, family may say they are supportive, but are they really? Life happens and we fall off of the wagon. But we can’t let that stop us. We have to just dust ourselves off and get back on the horse and go at it again. Don’t be afraid to speak up when someone says something to you that indicates they don’t think you can do it. Just tell them “thank you for sharing but you are going to exercise anyway”. Keep at it. It will get easier and in the end, when you reach your goal, you will have built a set of habits and routines that you can be proud of and you will never fall off of again.

I am sure you know the Governator of California. That man has been a weight lifter all of his life and now look at him. He has never veered from his habits. I’ve got to hand it to him, he has really been a renascence man. If Arnold can do it, I think anyone can, it just takes self commitment and giving ourselves a will of iron. We give that to ourselves. Give it to yourself.

Author Bio: Susan Kolluri lives in Citrus Heights, California and is the creator of The Fat Burning-Genie Weight Loss Solutions website featuring Rob Poulos: FATBURNING FURNACE a weight loss information product dedicated to helping people lose weight and keep it off through diet and exercise using fat burning methods.” Much of what I know is through personal experience through building a business around this product and other weight loss products and losing 189 lbs myself and struggling with obesity and weight loss”. For more information please visit:

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss,diets,exercise, fat loss,fat burning,lose weight,losing weight, lose fat

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