Kitchen Security

When it comes to home security, a lot of attention to paid to threats coming from outside the home. While it’s certainly important to be aware of the threat posed by burglars and others who may try to break through your home security, it is also crucial to recognize that there are many different threats inside the home that can be far more dangerous than an intruder. Take, for example, the kitchen. You probably spend a fair amount of your time there, but when was the last time you consciously thought about the safety and security of this important area of your home?

The kitchen is one of the places you’re most likely to head as soon as you get home from work, either to put away groceries or to start the evening meal. You may even have a table in the kitchen, spending several hours in there each night. Whether you’re just putting food in the refrigerator or making a five-course meal, the kitchen can be a dangerous place. Luckily, by following a few general security tips, you can make this room safer for your entire family.

Every kitchen should have a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location. Think about your own kitchen- do you have a fire extinguisher? Do you know where it is? Have you ever read the instructions on the canister? The biggest danger in a kitchen is the possibility of a fire, but few families are truly prepared for this danger. If a fire occurs in the kitchen, what would you do? Would you go through all of the cabinets searching for the fire extinguisher you think might be there, or will you know right where to go?

Besides fire extinguishers, your kitchen should also be prepared with carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, especially if your kitchen has an older stove. Both alarms are essential devices in any home, and can help your family get out alive if a fire or gas leak begins in the kitchen. These devices are required in homes in many cities, and for good reason. Statistics show that fires that begin in homes without smoke alarms are much more likely to result in the serious injury or death of the occupants.

Home safety doesn’t just mean having the right tools at your disposal, but also behaving in a way that is less likely to be dangerous. When it comes to the kitchen, this means that young children should never be cooking on their own. Always supervise children in the kitchen, even if they know what they are doing.

Speaking of children, little ones can be in danger in the kitchen even if they aren’t cooking. There is a reason why child proofing cabinet locks exist. Your kitchen may need them, depending on the age of your children. Kids can pull heavy items onto their heads or make themselves sick by eating food from the cupboards. There are locks designed for refrigerators as well as kitchen cabinets. Of course, this doesn’t negate the need to watch kids closely anytime they are in the kitchen, even if they are just playing at your feet while you cook dinner.

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Category: Home Management

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