Avoiding Child Abductions

It may seem shocking, but more than two thirds of all children will get lost at least once during their childhood years. According to one estimate, more than two thousands kids become lost just in the United States. Although most of these children are found in just a few minutes, it is always a possibility that they will never return. After all, we’ve all seen such cases of child abductions in the news. As a parent, this is one of the most frightening things that you can imagine happening to your kids. How to you keep them safe from a child abduction?

Every parent surely understands the fear that their child will get lost every time they step foot in a public place, whether it’s a shopping mall or a grassy park. Even your well-behaved child has the natural curiosity to wander off the second you take your eyes off her. Turning your back to take a phone call, place your lunch order, or wave to a friend is enough time for a child to be lured away. Though you might be panicking at even the thought of this, your little one probably does not even realize the effect wandering off could have on you.

Although most cases of a child’s disappearance in a public setting are tired to innocent distractions and wandering kids, news stories constantly remind us that this is not always true. If you are distracted, your lost child could become frightened, injured, or even abducted.

How can you prevent this? From the time your toddlers are old enough to walk, always remind them not to wander. They must also know what to do if they do accidentally lose you in the crowd. Though you’ve probably told them “don’t talk to strangers” a thousand times, in this case talking to the right strangers, such as mall security, can actually reunite them with you faster. Teach your kids how to recognize police officers and store employees in case they need help finding you. They should also know your home address and phone number, in case they become separated for a longer period. These details should be attached in the label of their clothing if they are still too young to memorize them.

Regardless of where you are taking your children or who they are with, never assume that they are safe. In fact, most children who are abducted are taken by family members or acquaintances. Stranger abductions are actually quite rare, though they can happen anywhere, from a rural sidewalk to a crowded street. Kids outdoors without adult supervision are at an especially high risk of being taken.

Protecting your kids from child abduction requires not only the right information, but also the right tools. Consider a child alarm that sounds if your child wanders too far away from you. A personal alarm is another helpful device for keeping your child safe. One press of the alarm button and the loud alarm will sound, summoning the help of nearby adults. Personal alarms even come in child-friendly shapes like panda bears.

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Category: Family Concerns

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