State Power Low Speed Wind Start Another Wave of Investment

In 2003 the first round of wind power concession bidding date, the land-based wind resource area before the three major power has basically been depleted group occupy. The first round started in May this year, offshore wind power concession bidding, major Power Group has started a new round of offshore wind power resources in the competition. The occasion of the parties was in full swing, belong to the Department of State Long Yuan Electric Power and State Power of the United Power is inventive, to look overlooking the fourth category are wind resources in low-speed wind field. The industry believes that, due to elimination on center from the more recent, and network problems easier to solve in the future will be the fourth major class wind power Investment Group, the third wave of hot spots.

Longyuan ahead with the joint force

China Securities Journal reporter has learned that Long Yuan Electric Power has Chuzhou framework agreement was signed, the next Longyuan Chuzhou regional development in four low-speed wind farm, the total installed capacity of 60 million kilowatts, plans to use 1.5 MW 86 meters large fan blades is expected to achieve the end of the first unit of the grid. Chuzhou is the fourth category because the wind resource area, therefore the implementation of electricity price 0.61 yuan.

Long Yuan Electric Power executive director and general manager, said Xie Changjun, low-speed wind investment in higher than normal wind is only 5% can be digested by this part of the internal control growth rate of investment, returns the same as with ordinary items. The next two to three years, Long Yuan Electric Power in Anhui, Liaoning and Shandong to build a group of low-speed wind farm.

In addition to Long Yuan Electric Power, the same is the country’s national electric power system Joint force, have begun to set foot in the fourth class wind resource development. Joint force from the country’s electricity understand that the company has signed a cooperation agreement Chuzhou Tianchang, future construction in the area of low wind speed 150,000 kilowatts of wind power.

“Everlasting wind resource area can be used on the number of hours up to 1,800 hours, due to the local power shortage, so fundamental to achieving full-fat. By our estimates, the project internal rate of return of 12% or more conservative estimate, is already quite bad.” State Power One insider said the joint force.

It is understood that United States electric power Siyang County of Jiangsu Province also signed exclusive agreements, the future will be launched in the vicinity Hongze 150,000 kilowatts of low-speed wind farm.

In addition to low-speed wind farm development, the State Power joint force also relies on its own strengths, to begin research and development of low-speed fan. Recently, China’s first branch 1.5MW high altitude, low wind speed region Baoding fan base in their downline.

Company technical staff told reporters, compared with the conventional fan, low speed fan demands more wind wheel diameter, wheel more conventional wind wheel average height of 65 meters, low average wind speed at hub height around 70 meters . In addition, fans of other systems have to be adjusted, it is more conventional fan, low speed fan to higher than 10% of the cost.

“Of course, the specific data according to different wind wind resources may be.”

Low-speed wind will become investment hot spots

For what is a low wind speed, There are still no uniform definition.

Shi Pengfei, vice president of Chinese Wind Energy Association, believes that the low wind speed to determine whether the resources can not only look high and low wind speed, but also consider a range of factors such as air density. If you have to a definition, can follow the 50-meter high wind power density as an index, called the wind power density means that wind power generated in the unit area power, in units of watts / square meter.

“As to the specific target should be much, but also be based on specific projects.” Shi Pengfei said.

Last year in July, the National Development and Reform Commission Secretary announced the price “on the perfect wind Tariff Policies”, the notice will be classified as four categories of the national wind resources, the three northern regions than inland areas, basically in the fourth class wind resource areas.
Insiders believe that as long as the wind resource area is the fourth class of the wind field can be determined basically low-speed wind.

According to this standard, our low wind speed resources are mainly concentrated in Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Yunnan and other places. Compared with the Three-North region, the region needs more power, but also close to elimination on center, so there is no long-distance power transmission problems in the regional development of wind power, wind power addition to ensuring elimination on the grid, but also Power saving huge investment.

Electric power within the United States believe that the number of hours in Inner Mongolia and effective use can be achieved in 3000, but abandoned if the wind half the time in the state, the number of hours actually used less than 2000, the inland provinces of some of the low speed wind field, the effective annual utilization hours about the number in 1800, cost is not worse than the three northern regions.

In addition to national electricity system, the Huadian Chenzhou in Hunan have also started to invest in low-speed wind. Shi Pengfei said low speed wind development is still in an embryonic stage, but with the completion of land and occupy high-quality wind resources, offshore wind resources are becoming increasingly fierce competition, the next major Power Group will inevitably turn their attention to low-speed wind farm, which will is the industry trend.

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