Exfoliation: Your Solution to a Healthy and Glowing Skin

The skin is the most important part of our body and we often tend to neglect its needs and thus end up paying a hefty price to make amends. There are several tips and tricks available which if followed diligently you do not have to spend a lot of money to keep your skin glowing all the time. One of them is exfoliation.

Exfoliating is a great way to keep your skin looking young, smooth and soft all the time. This is a treatment where the upper layer of the skin that comprises of dead cells is removed with the help of a loofah or scrub or sea salt or by other means, thus resulting in the exposure of the finer translucent tissue underneath these dead cells. Since the skin is a very sensitive portion of the human body, care should be taken while exfoliating such that the skin is not damaged. Exfoliation also has several benefits which are long term and short term.

When you hear the word exfoliation your top of the mind recall is likely to be exfoliation of your face. However it is very important to also exfoliate your body, neck, knees, elbows, hands and legs regularly. Extra care should be given to exfoliate the dead cells on your neck, knees, elbows and heels. The benefit of a whole body exfoliation is that your skin around the body glows and looks fresh and alive. This makes you look and feel younger. You will agree that this feeling is worth a million dollars, especially if you have a special night out. Exfoliation has several other benefits too. Regular exfoliation keeps black and white heads in check and prevents acne. It reduces the formation of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, thus leaving your skin feeling and looking young. Thus with the proper treatment your skin can be maintained to remain young and fresh even as you age.

Glowing and gorgeous looking skin is now within your reach. Depending on your skin type you can choose from the different types of exfoliation techniques available in the market. You can choose to follow your own routine of exfoliation with the several soaps and scrubs available in the market for this purpose. If you are not constrained by budget, book a day at the spa and enjoy their massages and various exfoliation options at the spa that leave you feeling rejuvenated. For those you who prefer the more natural methods, you can prepare your own scrub with natural items like oatmeal and lavender blossoms ground into a course powder and mixed with a few drops of water to form a scrub. Use this scrub lavishly all over your body and scrub those dead cells away.

You do not have to spend tons of cash on other expensive cosmetic treatments to keep your skin looking young if you remember and follow your routine of exfoliation diligently. This young look and feel also helps increase your confidence and helps you age more elegantly. A routine has to be followed for exfoliation of the skin to be able to benefit from the long term results of exfoliation.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: skin care, Exfoliation, beauty, skin health, women, health

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