Are You Experienced? Questions to Ask Your Accident Claims Compensation Solicitor

A serious injury is an extremely serious business. The effects are likely to be long term, life changing and often extremely expensive. Expert medical care doesn’t come cheap and beyond that there are the numerous costs involved throughout the recuperation process. Home modifications, live-in carers, transport, specialist equipment and ongoing medical treatment in their own rights can total many thousands of pounds. Add these expenses to the fact that the sufferer will have lost the ability to earn a living and that a partner may now lack the opportunity to work as they need to adopt the role of primary carer, and you have the recipe for a potential financial nightmare.

All these complications piled on top on the trauma, the pain and distress of the accident can quickly conspire to cause confusion, depression and helplessness. That is of course unless your take the precaution of appointing a specialist accident claims solicitor to deal with the situation.

The problem solver

With a background built on serious accident claims, a specialist will be able to quickly take control of the situation and manage things to your advantage. If necessary they can organise interim payments to keep the wolf from the door, they can direct specialist medical care, appoint psychological assistance, recruit carers, start the process of home conversion ready for hospital discharge and organise an ongoing programme of care. How can they do this effectively? How to do you determine whether your accident claims solicitor is right for you?

What you should look for in a serious injury solicitor

1. Specialisation – The first thing you need to establish is their focus and commitment to serious injury claims. Is this what they do, day in, day out or is it just a part of a wide range of litigation services that they offer? That’s no slur on more general accident claim solicitors or solicitors who specialise in other fields, but it’s important that you have experience on your side. Life’s just got extremely difficult and you will need all the expert help you can get.

2. Priority – How heavy is their workload? Are they over burdened cases or can do they have the necessary time to be able to dedicate to your cause? The last thing you need is to be slipping down their list of priorities.

3. Commitment – What’s the typical length of relationship they have with clients? In the case of serious accident victims solicitors often have an ongoing relationship with them and their family lasting years after the initial accident as they work to help with the victim’s long term welfare. You need to know you have someone on board for the long haul.

4. Chemistry – Do you like them? If they’re going to be an important part of your life for the foreseeable future it’s important that you get on.

5.Success rate – Do they have a successful track record? What sort of litigation experience do they have and what sort of success have they had? What sorts of cases have they dealt with in the past and what were the consequences of their input? Can they offer any references? Even better are you able to talk with any existing or recent clients and to help you in your decision making?

By asking these questions and doing a little bit of research before you choose your specialist injury solicitor, you have a far greater chance of building a strong relationship with your solicitor and of getting the compensation that you need and deserve.

Author Bio: Serious injury lawyers with unrivalled expertise Specialist services in accident claims for motorcycle accidents, brain injury, head injury and spinal injury from the UK’s leading specialised injury law practice. Contact: Neil Glover at Tel: 0800 61 66 81

Category: Legal
Keywords: accident claims solicitors, accident claims, accidents claim, accident claim

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