Flooring Choices: Slate, Ceramic or Wood
When you are considering a new floor for your home you will be impressed by the wide variety of choice which confronts you. The issue will be to select the flooring material which is most suitable for your project so here, we will review some of the major features and considerations for three popular flooring materials.
Slate is a 100% natural material and is popular because of its strength and durability as well as the natural colors and effect. Slate is an ideal material for heavily walked on areas but you should be aware of the different grading for slate and choose a product which has been specifically manufactured for the level of use to which you intend to put it to. Slate requires no maintenance other than routine cleaning; it does not need to be polished, it is not a source of nourishment or habitat for insects, it is waterproof and unaffected by moisture so it will not rot, it is also resistant to mold because again, it provides no natural habitat or nourishment and in addition, it is completely fireproof.
Slate does require careful handling because though it may be strong generally, it can also be brittle depending on the direction to which a force is applied to it. Slate is also not a very easy material to work with; it is difficult to cut properly and a professional is usually recommended for installation.
Ceramic Tile
Ceramic tile is hard wearing and like slate, is ideally suited to high traffic areas though it is cheaper than slate, it is not a natural material. Ceramic tile comes in a very wide range of different colors and styles, and there is exceptionally wide choice when it comes to the aesthetic design qualities of this material. It is fairly easy to work and lends itself to installation by home improvement enthusiasts though best results are usually obtained by using a professional.
Ceramic tile is completely fire-proof and unaffected by insects, however depending on the type of ceramic tile you source, it can be affected by water as some ceramic tile is porous. Ceramic tile can also become extremely slippery when wet. If you are using ceramic tile for outdoor flooring or in areas which are likely to get wet, such as bathrooms and entry ways, ensure you use a non-porous product.
Wood flooring offers a very natural and warm look and it can be relatively easy to install and the cost can vary from being the cheapest flooring of these three options to one of the most expensive. Wooden flooring requires more maintenance than slate and ceramic tile and it is particularly susceptible to the effect of water in terms of rot and mold. Insect infestations are also a potential threat as wood is used as a source of food for many boring insects.
Wood is typically a strong material, however it is susceptible to scratching and marking so when being used in high traffic areas you need to ensure it is strong enough to provide durability. The stronger the wood the harder it will be to work with, hickory for example is extremely tough which makes cutting and nailing that much more difficult.
Author Bio: Find quality Slate Tile from Virginia Slate
Category: Home Management
Keywords: flooring construction materials, slate florring, slate roofing, ceramic floors, wood floors