Discussion About Armageddon According To The Bible

How does the world end and when will it happen?

It’s the question that’s pretty much on everyone’s mind these days. For many years, forty to be exact, the battle of Armageddon has been the subject of intense debates happening in university auditoriums and suburban kitchens. Everybody wants to know when the world as we know it will end according to God’s will. But the real scary thing running in everyone’s mind is that with the coming of world’s end is also the end of human civilization.

The events in the Middle East had gotten everyone talking about Armageddon again, at least for the time being. The world never seems to be at peace. Some see the situation in Iraq and North Korea as signs of another World War. On the other hand, Hollywood is making a lot of money making movies about the battle of Armageddon and why it’s the coolest thing to watch on the big screen after James Cameron’s Avatar.

What does the Bible truly say about the battle of Armageddon? Consider this passage.

“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” Revelation 16: 13-14.

The actual physical setting of the battle of Armageddon is in the valley of Megiddo, according to 2 Chroni. 35:22. The location is a tragic one, a place of great mourning. The valley of Megiddo was the place where Sisera’s army was defeated by Deborah and Barak, and also where Josiah was killed. According to the Bible, the end of the world will take place in the valley of Megiddo.

Today a lot of people believe that the valley of Megiddo in the Bible is the same valley located in the Middle East, which strikes many as more than pure coincidence considering the amount of tension that has built up out there right now. Some believe the battle of Armageddon is a battle that will be fought with modern warfare and, according to a passage in Revelation 19, the commander of the great army is none other than Jesus Christ, the “Word of God”. The passage reads,

“And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.”

But it should be noted that more than anything the Bible often speaks in spiritual, indirect terms. Any devout Christian will tell you not to take the Bible on literal terms and instead put on your thinking cap first before you sit down to read. In any case, the battle of Armageddon may or may not be a spiritual battle, it may or may not be a physical war, no one knows. The only think we can do is have faith that Jesus Christ would be there guide us back to the Kingdom of the Lord when the time comes.

Author Bio: Looking for relevant Bible verses? Top Bible Verses has hundreds of Bible verses uploaded to the website on a regular basis. Visit the website Top Bible Verses for your daily dose of Bible verses and quotes.

Category: Religion
Keywords: Valley of Megiddo, Armageddon, end of the world

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