How Much Career Oriented Are Single Russian Women?

To begin with, Russian women are not only known for their extreme physical beauty but also for inner beauty and smartness as well. Single Russian women are smart and confident in talking and walking as well. They are soft spoken, talented and independent by nature. Single Russian women are sometimes mysterious but all women love to be pampered. The main plus point in their being is they love and respect their society and family. This is the reason why most of Russian women are family-oriented, but some are career-oriented as well. All of them give priority to their family.

Not all single Russian women are career-oriented, but those who are take their career seriously and at the same time do not ignore their family too. Women in Russia who are inclined to make and settle in their career associate their personal success with professional achievement and family both. This career orientation is stronger in single Russian women as compared to married ones. Once married, their family becomes the priority and they forget about their dreams. On the other hand, if a single woman gets married after settling in career she tries successfully to manage her professional and family life.

It is an open secret that it is not easy for women in Russia to aim for career in a male dominant society. 90 percent of jobs in Russia are only advertised for male Russians. In early days career and profession were only considered as a concern for men in Russia but with stronger inclination towards western culture. And also because of economical crisis single Russian women or rather women in Russia went into business. It is therefore an economic situation which motivates single Russian women to work most of all, though there is very less career opportunity for them to choose from. Moreover, if women get a job in Russia, employer tends to pay them less which does not ensure good living standards.

It should be mentioned that it will not be correct to say that Russian women do not like to work, but precisely they have to prove themselves a lot to get a high position and salary. Still, after getting that desirable position also they are required to prove themselves daily to the predominant male society that they are capable enough to be considered equal to men. This discourages most of single Russian women to be career-oriented and steers them towards easy and joyful family life. But those who survive this pressure and competition do really well in their life.

All single Russian women who are career oriented are inclined to combine their professional and wife’s role in a balanced way. Now, they are not only doing business, but they are also attempting the core professional careers like Medicine, Law, Interpreters, Nursing, Editing, Desk top publishing etc. Earlier Russian women used to be known only for beauty but now they are women who have beauty with brains. No doubt their appearance and beauty also contributes in making them successful in whatever they do.

Author Bio: Russian reality makes single Russian womenstronger and puts them at the top of competition for the right to be called the best wives in the world.

Category: Dating
Keywords: russian women, russian dating, online dating, dating site, russian singles

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